🚨Chapter 3🚨

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Felix had only a week to plan his escape, he knows escaping will just make his sentence longer but he has nothing now, no family, no house (The house is being sold) and he's a criminal, how is he going to get a job now, it's best just to give up now but he'll only do that after he sees his mother again.

Monday & Tuesday

The first two days was just to observe everyone, yeah he's been here for 2 weeks now but he never looked anyone in their eyes much less to observe everyone.

For the past two days he noticed that they're less security guards during lunch so his escape should be at lunch time. Normally people escape at night but security is way more at night than during the day so he'll take the risk.

The only place he actually have a shot at escaping from is the lunch room, where some prisoners volunteer to make the lunch. He saw a door that leads to the outside one day when he was mopping the floors but the down side is that it's locked, there's only one security guard that watches over the prisoners when they cook or prepare the food but Felix saw him passing through there once.

He definitely has the keys on him but how do I get it? A few things ran through Felix's mind but...not good things oh my god Felix! Don't think like that, just volunteer to help the kitchen Felix thought *facepalm* he can't believe he thought of murdering someone.


"Ok so you scoop the mash potatoes and put it in there" a prisoner explain "ok but is this really mash potatoes?" Felix asked, looking at the weirdly grey, chunky substance in front of him.

"Come on man we're working with what we have" Felix put up his hands in defense "so what are you planing?" Felix heart drop "W-what do you m-mean?" He said not making eye contact with the person.

"Just by the way you're acting I guess I'm right".

"R-right about what?" Felix was scared, could he trusts him or would he sell him out "I see you're trying to escape" Felix didn't want to make eye contact with the person, thinking he would see through his soul "I noticed that you started looking around more and before you won't even look at people, now you watch every single corner of the room so that made you suspicious".

"I-i don't know w-what you're talking about"

"Ok man you could trust me" he said but Felix wasn't buying it "ok, my name is Han Jisung and I'm in jail for assaulting a police officer and before you say anything he was looking at my butt so had to do something" Felix doesn't know why but he felt like he could trust this guy, I mean he literally told Felix something that was personal to him so why not.

"Hi, my name is Lee Yong-Bok but you could call me Felix" Felix said shyly "but if I do say yes why do you want to know or why do you even care?"

"I heard about your mother and what the police did by not letting you see her was wrong, I will help you escape, I don't want anything really I just want you to do something for me if you do get out" Jisung said smirking.

"Huh, what is it?"

"Slap a police officer for me"

*Chan pov*

"Good work everyone" Chan said "cheers to our new deputy chief" someone shouted out and everybody followed.

"Thanks everyone for hosting this party for me, I'm really excited for this promotion, I'll do my best" he said and then bowed.

"Congrats bro" a police officer said as he wrap his hands around Chan's neck "Minho you're drunk and you stink, let me take you home".

"What no! My best friend got a promotion so I can't miss it for the world" Minho said obviously because he's too drunk to understand what he's saying but still put a smile on Chan's face.

"Yeah right, let's pretend you didn't get drunk on purpose because you miss that cute guy that beat you up".

"He had a nice ass what you expect me to do" Chan rolled his eyes remembering when Minho came back to the police station with a black eye and a bust lip but was smiling like a maniac like he just got his first kiss or something "it's not my fault if only Jay didn't come the same time he was beating me, I think we would have a good relationship" Minho said.

"You can't keep blaming him for doing his job".

"I will!" Minho raise his voice for a specific someone to hear "it's definitely his fault I'm lonely!"

"Keep me out of this" Jay yelled back.

"Whatever, so-" Minho almost fell down but Chan caught him "ok that's it you're going home" Chan held Minho's waist "ok everyone I'm leaving thank you all for the party again" Chan said and then left.

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