🚨Chapter 2🚨

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"Lee Yong-Bok, you are sentence to 5 years in prison for possession of a firearm and trespassing in private property, once we have evidence that you are apart of the drug traffickers 5 more years will be added to your sentence" the judge raise her gavel and declared Lee Yong-Bok a criminal.

"No!" Felix yelled "please I have a sick mother at home and I'm the only one who could take care of her" tears escape his eyes.

"The law is the law, you could make a phone call and ask someone to take care of her while you won't be around" the judge said "b-but...I have no more family" Felix mumble the last part.

"If there's nothing else, then the court is dismissed" Felix got taken back to his cell, he was crying he has no one to take care of her, his father died when he was just 8 and ever since then his mother been taking care of him but when he was 17 she got sick.

She wasn't able to move at all, she kept getting worse so Felix had to take her to the hospital but they gave her some really expensive tablets. Felix was just 17 so getting a job was hard but not impossible, he got a small job washing dishes at a restaurant but the pay he got wasn't good enough to pay all the bills, buy groceries AND pay for the tablets.

So he.....got into drug trafficking, it really wasn't that bad, sometimes he sells drugs and sometimes he export it.

Yeah it wasn't that bad he said but the freaking boy almost got caught 6 times, 6 TIMES!!! he work with a lot of different people during 3 years but they got expose but he always got away but this time he didn't.

19 years old and might be in prison for 5 years or more, Wow Felix this is what you did with your life Felix thought to himself, it's been two weeks since he was in jail but he got good news, the judge felt bad so she hired a worker to check on Felix's mom everyday.

Felix knows that she isn't getting her medicine but the lady said she's doing good and there's nothing to worry about so Felix felt relax but tonight he couldn't sleep, he was twisting and turning but the voices of some security guards caught his attention.

"Did you hear? The freckles kid mother die yesterday" Felix breath hitch, he cover his mouth so the security guards don't hear his soft sobs "but I heard the judge sent someone to check on her everyday" the other guard said "yeah but the lady was too sick so she passed away".

"Aww so they going to tell the boy tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I hope he takes it well"

*Next morning*

"C-can I see her?" Felix said tears streaming down his eyes "I'm sorry but no, we got the evidence that you were apart of the drug traffickers so your sentence will be 10 years" the police officer said.

"Please! I will stay in here for the rest of my life but please let me be at her funeral!" Felix begged.

"No, please take him to his cell" the police officer shouted and two guards came in and took crying and screaming Felix out.

They threw him in his cell and lock the door. Felix was bawling his eyes out, he couldn't see or take care of his mother for two weeks and now she's being buried with no one by her side.

"I n-need to be there when s-she's being buried" Felix said trying to calm him self down.

"I need to escape"

𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙡𝙞𝙭~𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚Where stories live. Discover now