Chapter 33 - From a distance

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Stefano's POV

The long and tiring drive to New York has finally come to an end, and I'm in a city I love to hate. The streetlights do nothing to warm the dark corners, which the unfortunate slump through life. I know every inch of this city. I walked and slept in the streets, fought against threats the locals remained oblivious that were occurring. No one reported the disappearance of the homeless, and the government turned a blind eye, as the illegal organ trades provide a solution to the destitute pandemic. Relief weakens me as I kill the engine across the street from Jaz's new place. The separation from my wife and kids leaves a foul taste in my mouth, but I'm here at least. It's as close as I can be this moment, watching from a distance, ready to die, protecting them.

My eyes fixate as I watch Jaz and the kids sit in the living room, playing a board game. What's odd is I've never felt so alone as I do at this given time. Before Jaz, I didn't know what love was. I went years without experiencing any form of affection. All I knew was that love would be complicated, that I needed to be the man I spent years failing to become. Despite all my efforts to deny her, I caved and gave in to the desire, establishing a relationship. She awoke something within me that could never fall dormant again. My world brightened instantly, and life seemed pointless without her by my side.

I know her pain, I understand the struggle she's facing, and I can comprehend the reasons she's walked away. But I also know she loves me, and I vowed to be there through everything. This is her worst. This is when I need to stand strong give her the space while ensuring no harm comes to them. My love for her will have me patiently waiting until she's ready to reunite.

Exhaling, I lean my head on the headrest and fight away the heartbreak. I failed her, and I can't understand how I was so inconsiderate. She's never asked much of me, only love, honesty and respect. She wanted me to protect her from past demons, and I kept those demons in a safe at our home. Somehow, I must make this right. I can never bring her brother back. Even though I'm not the reason he pulled the trigger, I made it easy for him to feed his addiction, and that will weigh on me for the rest of my life.

In my desperate attempts to become the Stefano Morelli my family envisioned, I lost perspective, and it's cost me dearly. Now, either way, I lose someone I love. To reunite with my wife and children, I leave my parents and siblings behind. To be with the family, I always craved to know I lose my wife and children. The punishment is vast and soul-shattering.

Coming out of my thoughts, I focus on a figure moving stealthily, coming towards me. No doubt that's Amir. Turning to my right, I glance at Jaz, pulling the curtains closed; she remains completely unaware I'm in the car parked across the street. The back door of my car opens, and Tommy's assassin takes a seat. "I saw you coming."

"Only because I wanted you to," Amir grins. Leaning back, his eyes sweep to the house, "we have this covered," he assures me, remaining focused. I'll hand it to these boys, all three assassins show no fear, and their concentration never veers away from the assessment.

Nodding, I glance at him through the rear-view mirror. "How many of you are there?" I question.

Darting his eyes back to me, he advises, "two straight out of the institution and myself. I have them covering the day shift."

Reaching for my phone, I decline a call from Sal. He and Mark have made several attempts to call me. I regret leaving without seeing those boys, but I was pressed for time. With Lim lingering, I need to get on the road and reach Jaz sooner rather than later. Tossing my phone to the side, I bring my focus back to Amir, "When are you due back?" I ask the dreaded question.

"In two weeks."

Turning forward, I punch the steering wheel; cursing, I shake my head. I walked away from the business and my family, and although I don't have the right to feel a sense of abandonment, I do. Tommy's feelings towards Jaz are justified. However, this affects his nephew as well. If not for me, Jaz, or even Summer, an innocent kid caught up in this mess; I thought he would at least want to protect Luciano. Evicting the clog from my throat, I seal my eyes shut. I need to find an ally, someone who can keep guard during the day at least, and I'll take the night shift.

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