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So, I wanna make one thing clear. My exams have started and so the next parts may take a bit time, so please bear with me.

Emma's Pov'_

[during the staff meeting-]

This was awkward. Really awkward, and nobody here knew the situation between us. It was Hell. Though Elle was giving me sympathetic looks, I didn't knew if she knew or not, but it seemed like she was telling me to talk to him. I silently scoffed, there's no way i'm gonna talk to him. Should I?
What no. Remember what he did to you, Emma. Sudden anger burst through me, and sadness washed over my face. I wanted to stay away from him, as far away as possible, but somewhere in my heart I wanted to go to him. Talk to him, hug him, maybe calmly confront him. It was killing me inside. I wanted to let it all out, shout at him, hit him, punch him. But instead I took a long breath, didn't make eye contact, and let a nervous smile form on my face-looking at the excited producer. He smiled at me, very happy. But little did he know that the 'my boy!' he talked so much about, is the person that I hate the most, and that I somehow loved, and adored. 

I remember the talk with Bonnie, how she said that he has changed and is really sorry. But it made me more angry-I didn't need his pity. He must be smirking inside, that part of Draco Malfoy showing. Knowing that the little and embarrassing Emma, loved him-that he only liked as a small sister. Only I know how much I want to run out of here, and crawl into a hole and die. 
God, I wanted to go home-

Oh shit. Leo. My boyfriend. A wave of guilt came over me, remembering what happened, and how could I forget him. I knew that what he said was right fully, I was already forgetting about him. Another thing that is killing me from inside. I swear there are too many monsters inside me today. 
And wait, how the fuck am I going to tell him that I'm going to be working with Tom?
The Tom Felton? The one that broke my heart and soul into pieces that Leo had to pick up?

He's going to be angry, damn angry, and I knew how scary it would get when he would  get furious. He had a short temper, but he tried to control it, for me. But when it comes out, hell breaks loose. The anger he bottled up inside turns into a big angry monster, He turns into a big monster. And it has scared me. I never told anyone, not even Alex. Knowing that everyone will try to get me out of the relationship, trying to protect me. 
It dawned on me, that when everyone knows that I'm going to work with Tom, they will try to get me out of it, not wanting to picture the state it will put me in again.

But it was too late, wasn't it? 

I can't get out of this, can I?

What if I don't want to? What if I want this? 
I shuddered ever so slightly as the bizarre thought crossed my mind. Why would I want this?
Yes, I want to do this movie. I've waited so long, concentrating on the feminists acts, and my other business, and I missed so much about this. The memories used take over my mind, and I used to stare into space thinking about this for so long. I used to get distracted now and then recently, and when I talked to Alex about this-He said that I should take a break and do a movie, meet with my friends again. He knew it would be hard for me, but I had to face my fears and move on. He was the one suggesting it, and I didn't want to ruin anything this time.
But if I work with Tom again, and I lose myself again, Alex would blame it on himself. There was alot to think about at the time.

And Bonnie!!

What in the world was she thinking?!

God, am I going to kill her!

Plot murder plan to kill Bonnie-mental note-

She did this on purpose didn't she? It can't be a bloody coincidence for me and Tom to be together in a movie. Tom hasn't done a movie in years! He has only done series-Wait what?

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