Frozen (Genderbend!) Act 1, Part 1

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In a small kingdom, by the sea, there was a royal family. A king, a queen, and their handsome sons Andrew and Elric. On one fateful night, the sound of little pitter patter could be heard running to a bed near by.

A small boy of eight, with hair whiter than snow, lie asleep, dreaming of wonderful things. A smaller head with bright, firey orange hair pops up next to the bed. The rest of the head and body gets up on the bed to reveal a boy of six, in thin looking bedtime clothes. He climbs upon his brother and shakes him, "Elric! Elric! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Elric stirs a bit but does not open his eyes.
"What's wrong?" The red head flops onto Elric, back on arm.
"The sky's awake, so I'm awake. So we HAVE to play!" Elric pushed his brother off the bed replying with, "Go back to bed, Andrew."

Andrew sit on the floor for a moment before getting an idea. He hopped back into his brother and whispered in his ear, "Do you wanna build a snowman?"
Elric was pulled down the hall by Andrew, who was kept whisper-yelling, "Come on! Come on!" The boys entered the throne room, both giddy and unprepared for the near future. The boys halted in the middle of the room and Andrew hopped up and down, singing, "Do the magic! Do the magic!" (Yes, little kids always repeat things. Don't ask.) Elric shushed his brother and rolled an imaginary ball in his hands. A small ball with sparkles around it. Elric threw the ball into the air and it exploded, spreading a giant snowflake and laying down a blanket of snow. "Watch this." Elric tapped his foot on the floor and the empty parts of the floor were encrusted with ice. Andrew slid away with a smile and slipped back to his brother.

As the hours passed, Elric and Andrew played in the snow. They built a snowman and named it Olive. Elric made Olive talk, "Hello, my name's Olive. And I like warm hugs!" Andrew giggled and hugged Olive, "Oh I love you Olive!" Andrew and Olive skated around the room.

Andrew then hopped up and down. Elric flew a bit of magic and created a snow pile. Andrew kept going and yelled out, "Catch me!"
"Slow down!" Andrew was going too fast and Elric slipped on some ice, landing on his butt. He saw his brother jump and shot some magic, thinking it would save him. Instead the shot hit Andrew in the head, and he fell to the ground.

Elric scrambled to his brother and held his head in his lap. A small piece of Andrews hair turned a brilliant white against his orange hair. Elric looked up and saw he was alone and called out, "MAMA! PAPA!" Tears streamed down his face and he shook with fear as his parents burst through the doors. Their mother picked up Andrew and held him close saying to herself, "I know where to go."

In the royal library, their mother and father searched until a book their mother pulled out had a map fall out of it. She took the map and her daughters and rode on horseback to the mountains, where mysterious creatures lay.
Hey babes!
Okay, I get that this is really cliché, the first genderbend being Frozen. But I wanted to see if this is good enough to try. Please comment what stories you want me to write, and if it's Snow White please give me another name for him. Please.
See ya babes!
-Ella Kinders

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