Cinderella Part 5

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The mice finally unlocked the closet, but it seemed too late. Cinderell called out, "Wait! Please, WAIT!" He tripped on a step and came tumbling down, only to end up sorta bowing to the princess. She giggled and he lifted his head. He blushed hard and stood up straight, wincing a bit at the pain in his left foot.
"Are you alright?" Inquired the princess, who now knew the face of this mysterious boy.
"Y-yes, your majesty." Cinderell tried to bow, but ended up toppling over with the princess upon him. He softly whispered into her ear, "I think we did something of this sort before, your majesty. Am I correct?" It was at that instant that the princess gasped lightly and sat up, slightly blushing. Cinderell leaned against his forearms and tried to push up. As he applied pressure to his left foot, he hissed in pain. The prince carried him to a chair and took off his shoes then realized the boy was wearing the same shoe that his sister held now.
"Sister," the prince held out his hand for the shoe. She passed it onto him and he took hold of Cinderell's right foot and gently placed the foot in it. It fit perfectly and Cinderell rose up.
"I'm sorry I did not come earlier, I was..." He looked to his stepfather and sighed, "Locked up in chores." The princess stepped forward and her hand was held by Cinderell's.
"I remember your face... From the balls." He nodded and smiled, "Yes, I could never forget your face. Although, I had no idea you were a princess." She giggled and smiled to the ground.
"I... I know this is very sudden, but," she pulled out a small band of gold and placed it in his hand, "Would you give me the honor of marrying... Well, me?" The princess looked into his eyes with hope. Cinderell smiled and whispered the answer into her mouth.

                   The End

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