Cinderell Act 2, Part 1

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The carriage arrived at the palace and Cinderell stepped out. 'Way too many guards, or way too many steps?' He thought. He started his ascend to the ballroom.
The princess was in front of the throne, bored and near passing out. A new boy floated to her. He bowed as his name was called, "Sir Andrew of the Duboise." He stood up straight and left, smirking like she was a prize. She sneered and sighed, looking to the next pair. She had a look of fright when she saw two boys who were pulling each other's hair. The stopped and bowed, each elbowing each other in the stomach as their names were called, "Lords André and Dresele Tremaine." They stood straight and lingered a bit, smiling too sweetly. The princess looked beyond them and saw a young man, looking confused and lost. He had on a baby blue suit and looked everywhere. He caught the princess looking at him and smiled, waving a bit. He strolled out to the dance floor and the princess followed along. Sh tapped his shoulder and he turned around. He smiled and bowed, "May I have this dance, my lady?" She smiled and took his hand, "Of course." He stood straight and walked her to the dance floor, where they danced until they danced to the garden, where they walked and talked about certain subjects. Soon, they ended up near a balcony and in front of the clock. The princess looked lovingly into his eyes, and he looked back with fireworks in his. They leaned in to kiss, but the clock struck twelve. The boy stopped and pulled away before their lips could meet. He started to pant and walk back slowly, "I-I-i need to go!"
"Wait! Tell me your name, please!" He stopped and looked back at her with a wanting in his eyes. He quickly walked back to her, then ran because he was so far away. He was right up close and grabbed her head, pulled it closer, and as the bells chimed louder in his head, he kissed her passionately. At the last chime, she felt his lips leave hers and the chimes stopped. She opened her eyes and found him gone. Her aunt, the remaining Duchess of the kingdom, tapped her shoulder and she turned to meet her, lips still puckered a bit. "Someone has a crush?" The princess shook her head and looked down, smiling and blushing. "You are in love?" The princess nodded. She peeked up at her and saw not a scolding but an aunt who was excited, "Yes! When's the wedding?! How many kids?! Is he handsome?" The princess giggled and sighed, "He was... And, his kiss... There's only one problem." The princess turned away from her aunt. "What is it?"
"I... Don't know his name." She looked back at her aunt.
"That means we host more balls and find him, trap him, and find out his name!" The princess facepalmed and giggled, shaking her head. She leaned against the railing of the balcony and sighed.
Cinderell leaned against his window seal and sighed, looking to the palace. Specifically the balcony where he kissed the princess. He couldn't believe he did it. Her lips were so soft, and her eyes were a murky brown. He was in love with her everything, from her hair to her toes. Don't ask. He danced around the empty house, humming a song, "So this is love, hmmm, so this is love. So this is what makes life divine. My hearts a-glow, hmmmm, and now I know. The key to all heaven is mine! My heart has wings, hmmmm, and I can fly...." He continued and smiled. This was love.

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