The Little Mermaid-Part 1

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Once upon a time, long before our times of iPods and iPhones, there were kingdoms with handsome kings and beautiful queens. Those were the stories of land kingdoms at least. But, in the fathoms below, was a great kingdom ruled by Queen Trinady and the late King Athens. After the death of her husband, Queen Trinady declared that no one was to go to the surface. But, one of her sons did not exactly agree with that....
Seagulls fly down below the clouds and swoop to the near by fish. Before they can catch anything, though, a couple of dolphins warn of a ship that soon after crashes on the waves. Upon this mighty ship, a young princess dressed in a billowy blouse, a long dark blue skirt, and sailor boots stands at the wheel of the vessel and she inhales some fresh air.
"Ahh. The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face! Is there nothing better, Grimm?!" An older woman leaned against the railing of ship, puking up her breakfast into the ocean.
"Urk- Yes, wonderful." The young princess went galloping. Down to help the other sailors with the work.
"Ah, Queen Trinady must be in a friendly mood!" The princess looked to the them with confusion.
"Queen Trinady?"
"Yes, ruler of the merpeople! She controls all of the sea!" At that moment, a fish in the net being pulled up wriggled out of the net, slapped Madame Grimm's face, and fell back into the ocean. The fish looked back to the surface and sighed, narrowly escaping death. She swam to the west with others including merfolk, all the way to Atlantica. All the way to the castle under the oceanic waves.

As everyone settled into their seats, a small female seahorse swam up to the stage to present all the officials. She cleared her throat, then announced, "Her Majesty, Queen Trinady!" Trumpets sounded and a whole band started up as the queen rode in on a dolphin chariot. She waved to everyone as she passed and settled in her seat, waiting for the other guest.
"Now, for the moment you have waited for. Horatia Thelonius Ignatius Crustaceus Sebanna!" A small kazoo-like trumpet played as a smaller carriage, pulled by aquatic fish, entered with a crab with a small bow upon her head guiding it along. The fish wrestled around but led Sebanna to the conductors stand. As she passed the queen, Queen Trinady whispered, "I hope this is good!" Sebanna nodded.
"And hopefully your youngest makes it."
Sebanna pulled out many pages of sheet music from her shell carriage and placed them on her stand. She held her baton and the band readied. With a flick of her claw, the band started on this old but fast song. Six boys appeared, as planned.
"Oh, we are the sons of Trinady
Great mother who loves us and named us well:Aquatic, André, Aristotle, Adenosine, Adrian, Alan!
And then there is the youngest in his musical debut
A seventh little brother, we're presenting him to you.
To sing a song Sebanna wrote, his voice is like a bell
He's our brother, Ari-" the brothers gasped as the giant shell revealed no other boy.
Queen Trinady stood up in protest and yelled across the whole concerta.
In a ship's graveyard, behind a large mast, a young merman with fire red hair pulled himself up and peeked to a nearby ship. His face brightened up as he saw it and stared. A small fish appeared behind him with a flower in her dorsal fin and was panting.
"Arian! Slow down! What if we find a shark?!"
"Hush Flora, there are no sharks here!" Arian swam to the ship and found the only opening: a small window leading to a master bedroom. Arian slipped through it and swam a bit inside until Flora spoke up.
"What if there are sharks? Arian? Arian!" The boy peeked his head out the window and smirk.
"You don't have to come," Flora sighed and turned around. "You can watch for sharks," Flora nodded then froze. "Sharks!" Flora swam into the window, but instead of an easy go through, she was stuck. "Arian!" She swam and squirmed until Arian came back. A shadowy figure passed Flora's fin but disappeared before she could detect it. Arian pulled her out and Flora became dizzy from spinning in water. Arian shook his head and went forward. Soon, they reached one of the larger rooms, most likely a ballroom. In the middle was a pile and on top was a strange stick with three pointy things on one end. Arian swam over and picked it up, examining it.
"Oh, have you ever seen anything like it?!" Flora went to the giant window, seeing it wasn't broken and looked out it while Arian kept searching. He found a weird horny thing with a big hole at one end and a small one on the other end. Flora turned her back to the window and started mumbling.
"We shouldn't have come here.... There could be sharks, and we don't know the locals!" All of the sudden, when she turned back around, a giant shark covered the whole window. Flora screamed and Arian lifted his head just in time to hear "SHARK!" and see Flora racing away. He followed quickly behind her, the shark on their tails. They went on an upper level and tried to escape, but it followed right behind. They found the window and Flora went first but got stuck again. Just as the shark came, it launched Flora out and she hit an anchor just as Arian got out of the window. He saw her spinning down swam down to catch her. He held out his arms to catch her and pulled her out of the hole just as the the shark launched into it and got stuck. Flora regained consciousness and stuck her tongue out at the shark, blowing a raspberry. It snapped at her and she quickly swam away from the scary beast to Arian.
On a buoy, no longer in use, a nest rested and a feathery white butt was in the air. Arian was a few feet away when he called out.
"Scutta!" He waved his arms in the air with the bag of items in his right hand. Scutta lifted her head up and a telescope that was turned around to see Arian and Flora a couple of yards away.
"Hey! Arian! How ya doin' kid?!" She put the telescope down and found them right near her island.
"Oh," she remarked as Arian pulled up an orange bag, heavy and clinking with new things.
"Hey! You got something?"
"Yeah, I found a lot of new things! Like," he dug in his bag and pulled out the silver tri-pined thingy.
"Oooh! Haven't seen these since a millennium!
"What?! What is it?!"
"It's a dingle hopper!" Arian gasped as he waited for the explanation.
"You see, HUMANS would use these babies to do their hair! They would stick it here," she stuck the single hopper on her scalp, "And twist it and yank until..." She twisted it and pulled it hard, and when it released Scutta's feathers were big and poofy. Arian chuckled and pulled out another item; the one with two holes, one big the other tiny. He handed it to Scutta and she examined it thoroughly.
"Okay! Lemme give you a little history on this baby!" She dropped an anchor down to the floor and, having the rope around her ankle, she fell too. Scutta shook it off and held the holey thingy up.
"You see, long ago, back when mermaids and humans first existed, the humans used to go on these things where they would sit around," Scutta smacked her forehead against Arian's and held it against hers, "And stare at each other." Silence was there for a few seconds before she spoke again, "It got very boring. So," she let go and started to pace hold the thing, "They invented the Snarf Blower! So, on these things, you could make music!" She took a huff of air and blew into the smaller side and the bigger side had seaweed and gross stuff bursting out. Arian covered his ears and his eyes opened wide.
"The concert! I forgot about the concert! Come on Flora. Bye Scutta!" He snatched the snarf blower away and put the rest of the stuff back in the bag, diving back down to the merworld.
Okay babes,
This is super late. Ugh! I just couldn't remember or get inspiration! I'm sorry! More should come out soon!

-Ella Kinders

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