Beauty and the Beast Part 2

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Beau stopped the house as it galloped closer. He shushed it and pet it, "Where's mama?" His eyes widen as he ran in to get on his cloak.

Marie searched the map to find where in the world she was. "Alright... There should be a fork in the road right... Here!" She looked up and saw two very different pathways; one light and cheery, the other dark and gloomy. Marie sat there for a moment before leading the horse to the dark path. The cart attached to the horses saddle followed along the bumpy road. Soon, howls of wolves could be heard, frightening the horse to unhook the cart and race into the forest, Marie still attached. As she sped through, the horse threw her off and raced away, leaving Marie alone with wolves. She stood up and ran as far as possible, ending up near an old castle. She banged on the gate as the wolves neared, yelling, "Help me! Please! Open up the gates!" A gate opened and she hurried in. A wolf bit her foot and tried to drag her away but she kicked it away. She ran in and slammed the door, unbeknownst of the owner.
Beau mounted the horse and followed the strange path they made. He ended up at the gate and pushed open the gate, entering with a chill down his spine. He walked slowly to the doors and opened them. A drop of rain fell on him then buckets came down and he was drenched. He quickly went in and closed the door. From what he could see, there was only a candelabra and a tiny grandfather clock. As he stepped by them, he heard two feminine voices arguing.
"He's the one! He's the one we have been waiting for! He's the boy who'll break the spell!"
"Hush! We still have no idea what his name is or how old he is! For all we know, he could be 12!" Beau turned around and only saw the candelabra and the clock. "Well, whomever is talking of me... Know that my name is Beau and I am 17." He turned his back again and wandered further. At some point, he ended up in a dungeon area and heard coughing. "Mama?" he called out.
"B-Beau? Is that you? Or does that horrible monster tease me?" Beau ran to the cell where he heard the voice, "It's me, mama. It's me, your son Beau." He reached out his hand and finally found his mother. He smiled, "Oh thank goodness you are alive!"
"Beau, leave me here! Go away and never come back!"
"What?! No! I won't leave you alone!" Beau's voice grew louder until he yelled, "I'll get you out of here!" A mighty roar was heard behind him and Beau turned his body to see the outline of a small, but deadly looking creature. "Who are you to think about unleashing my prisoner?!" Beau stood up with a mighty rage, "This lady here is not your prisoner, nor shall she ever be! She is my mother and you will let her go!" The beast roared back as response and Beau, trying to look manly, roared back weakly. He drooled a bit and wiped it up, still fuming.

The beast stood taller and spoke, "What will you do in return if I release your... Mama?" Beau stood still for a moment, considering what his options were. He finally responded with, "In my mothers place, I will stand."
"No!" Marie reached out to her son, trying to convince him otherwise. Beau stepped into the light and nodded, "I offer my freedom for mothers. Do you take it?"

The beast stood for a moment then nodded. The door unlocked magically and Marie ran out to her son, "Beau no! Don't stay here, you will not survive! Please!" Marie was taken away to a carriage outside, and from a window in the dungeon tower Beau looked out with tears in his eyes. Marie was placed in the carriage and it trampled off, Marie banging against the doors crying. Beau wiped away some tears before falling to sob. "You didn't even let me say goodbye!" The beast stood, dumbfounded by the emotions this young man was showing. It shook it's head and stepped into the light. Beau looked to it and found the beast to be very feminine. He stood up and sniffled, the lady beast spoke, "Follow me to your bedroom."
"But, am I not your prisoner? Do I not stay up here?" The beast turned back and roared, "Do you want to stay there?!" Beau shook his head and followed behind her. While they journeyed to a room, she explained the rules. "Rule number one: NEVER go to the west wing. Ever!" He nodded and observed the halls. He became frightened by a statue and neared closer to the beast, who (although you couldn't see it) blushed a dark red. They arrived at the room and she threw open the door, "Now, you will stay here. Forever!" She slammed the door. Beau shook and when the door closed, he threw himself onto the bed, sobbing, "I'm so sorry mama. I'm so sorry!"
Hey babes!
So, if you have noticed, the boys in these are very VERY emotional. Why? Because the original girls were not actually that great at emoting, right? I mean, Anna wasn't angry with Elsa for not coming to their parents funeral, but Andrew was PISSED. He slammed against the door, just wanting to be accepted, and Elric STILL didn't open the door. Sorry, ranting here.
See ya babes!
- Ella Kinders
(P. S. Comment what stories you want!)

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