Beauty and the Beast Part 5

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Chip hopped out of the bag and found the Automatic. She hummed as she tried to figure out how to turn it on. She pressed a red button and the Automatic roared to life. It started off on a slow chop but quickened as it drew closer to the cellar door.
"Look out!" Called out Marie, tackling Beau to the ground to protect him. The Automatic smashed the cellar door and stopped afterwards, a could of smoke and dust settling down into the air. Marie got off Beau and he bolted for the horse. He mounted her and kicked her off to Addy's castle.

He, soon, arrived and saw Addy at her balcony, not yet attacked. Beau unmounted the horse and raced up the stairs all the way to where Addy was. She was holding Gabriella by her collar off the edge. A small nightgown was the only thing on Addy that whipped in the air.
"Addy!" Beau called out. Addy stopped and pulled Gabriella back onto the railing. She turned to Beau and smiled softly. When her back was turned, Gabriella pulled out her knife. She lost balance but managed to stab Addy near an organ before falling to her death.

Addy collapsed to the ground in front of Beau, gasping for air. Beau pulled the knife out (since no one told him that could be fatal) and laid her on her back. Blood seeped through the nightgown and onto the concrete, staining Beau's hands.
"Y-you came back..." Addy softly spoke.
"Of course! I was only going to get my things then come back to you."
"You don't have to lie..." Addy coughed and blood was seen upon her paw.
"I'm not. Please, don't die..." Addy looked once more into Beau's eyes and smiled softly before closing them. Beau shook with sobs ready to come out; he held her close and kept mumbling, "Please, don't  leave." Finally, before the clock could strike twelve, Beau whispered something he knew long ago. "I love you..."

Suddenly, rain started to fall. Well, not exactly rain; it felt harder and thicker. And occasionally stung, but Beau didn't care. Not until Addy started to lift from under him. He sat up and clutched the cape around his shoulders. It billowed around hard as the spark rain attached itself to Addy. Her paws and padded feet started to glow then shined a bright, white light as they changed. Soon, even her face had been changed to the face of the ripped portrait in her room. She was floated back down and laid there for a few seconds until stirring a little. Beau gently touched her arm and she flinched, so he yanked it back. He stood and so did she. Her hair hung in front of her face until she pushed it back and blinked a few times. To say this young woman was short was an understatement. Beau almost towered over her but saw directly into her eyes. She smiled and sighed, "Well, now you know." Beau was confused.
"Know what?" Addy gestured to herself and said, "Princess Adeline of France? 'Addy'?" Beau flinched back and a small blush formed on his cheeks.
"... You know," Adeline finally spoke, "I heard what you said..." Beau looked at her again and neared her cautiously.
"It's okay to approach me." Adeline sighed. As soon as the sentence finished, Beau held her face to his and kissed her passionately. She was surprised at first but then held his to her lips.

The castle changed as they kissed. Gargoyles became angels, the servants became human again. Everything was back to the way it was before. Maybe even better.

                    The End

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