Beauty and the Beast Part 4

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Beau raced to his mother and got her home safe. As he placed a warm rug on her forehead, Marie was starting to wake up.
"Oh mama! I thought..." Beau hugged his mother tightly but as not to crush a bone. She shooshed him and patted his back. He pulled out the mirror and the mother coward back a bit.
"How did you escape it?!"
"I didn't escape her, she..." He looked at the mirror with a longingness, "She let me go. She was so kind, I didn't even feel like a prisoner. More of a-" Soon, a small clinking was heard and both Beau and Marie turned to the satchel. Chip, the small serving cuppet, hopped out and smiled, "Well, hi-ya!" Marie pick little Chip up and smiled. Beau smiled half glared at her, "Now, how did you get in there?"
"Well, I knew you would be let go tonight, so I prepared myself!"
"Wait... She told you-" Everyone looked to the door as someone knocked. Beau got up and checked to see what it was, finding it was the woman from the local asylum. He opened door with a questioning look.
"Yes, madam?"
"If I have the correct address, I am to be picking up a 'Marie'?" The woman smirked evilly and Beau shook his head, "Why would you need my mother?"
"We have a tip from many of the townsfolk that your mother, whether you wish to believe it or not, is-" she pulls out a notepad and flips a bit before reading off, "A lunatic, insane, crazy- Shall I go on?"
"My mother is not crazy!"
"Oh, Beau..." A gruff but high voice spoke, appearing behind the asylum seeker. Gabriella smirked and pulled Beau out by the arm, "Look at this innocent man! Has he gone insane too?!" Beau examined the crowd and it seemed everyone was there: the baker, the market keeper, everyone except for the book keeper. Beau yanked his arm away from Gabriella and got out his mirror while she yelled out about how she is friends with a monster.
"She's no monster, Gabriella! You are! Show me Addy!" Some of the townspeople stopped, knowing of life with the lost princess. He held out the mirror to reveal Addy crying and roaring out loud, shaking with sobs. Beau pulled the mirror close to him again, knowing of Addy's cries. He was pushed into the cellar and locked in.
"You are a traitor! We'll deal with you later."
Gabriella hopped onto her horse and held up a torch.
"The Beast will make off with your children. He'll come after them in the night."
"No!" Beau called out from the cellar.
"We're not safe till his head is mounted on my wall! I say we kill the Beast!"
"Kill him!" The crowd cried.
"We're not safe until he's dead," one man called out, "He'll come stalking us at night!"
"Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite!"
"He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free!"
"So it's time to take some action, ladies. It's time to follow me!" Gabriella hopped down and journeyed through the crowd to each child and everyone, telling a twisted lie.
"Through the mist, through the woods, through the darkness and the shadows it's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride. Say a prayer, then we're there at the drawbridge of a castle and there's something truly terrible inside. It's a beast she's got fangs, razor sharp ones, massive paws, killer claws for the feast. Hear her roar, see her foam! But, we're not coming home 'til she's dead, good and dead! Kill the Beast!"
"No! I won't let you do this!" Marie cried out. Gabriella grabbed her by her frail arm and hurled her into the cellar. "If you're not with us, you're against us!"
"Get your hands off me!"
"We can't have them running off to warn the creature."
"Let us out!" They screamed.
"We'll rid the village of this Beast. Who's with me?"
"I am!"
"I am!"
"Me too!"
"Light your torch, mount your horse,"
"Screw your courage to the sticking place!"
"We're counting on Gaston to lead the way, through a mist, through a wood, where within a haunted castle something's lurking that you don't see ev'ry day. It's a beast, one as tall as a mountain! We won't rest 'til she's good and deceased! Sally forth! Tally ho! Grab your sword, grab your bow, praise the Lord and here we go!"
"We'll lay siege to the castle and bring back her head!" The mob left the home and went marching on. Meanwhile, Beau was attempting to ram down the doors.
"I have to warn Addy! This is all my fault!" He tried once more and failed again. Beau finally stopped and sat down, defeated. "Oh, Mama, what are we going to do?" Marie held Beau's head close to her heart and rocked back and forth.
"Now, now, we'll think of something."
"We don't like what we don't understand. In fact it scares us and this monster is mysterious at least.
Bring your gun, bring your knives save your children and your wives.
We'll save our village and our lives!
We'll kill the Beast!"

"I knew it! I knew it was foolish to get our hopes up." Clocksworth yelled with all her might. Soeil patted her back and sighed, "Maybe it would have been better if she had never come at all." But, small clip clops were heard and they all looked out the window.
"Could it be?"
"Is it he?" Called out Mr. Potts.
"Sacre Bleu! Invaders!"
"And they have the mirror!"
Warn the Misstress! If it's a fight they want, we'll be ready for them! Who's with me?"

Gabriella called to the troops, "Take whatever booty you can find. But remember, the beast is mine!"

"Hearts ablaze, banners high we go marching into battle! Unafraid although the danger just increased!"

"Raise the flag, sing the song here we come, we're fifty strong and fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong! Let's kill the beast!"
Mr. Potts cautiously hopped into the even more destroyed room, all the way to Addy.
"Pardon me, Mistress-"
"Leave me in peace."
"But madam! The castle is under attack!"
"Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!" They chanted as they rammed down hard on the door. Soeil and the other panicked, unknowing of how long until possible death. They tried barricading the door, but it wasn't holding.
"This isn't working!" Screamed out Soeil. A male featherduster ran to her and pleaded, "Oh Lumiere, we must do something!" Soeil thought for a moment about what to do. Then, "Wait, I know!"
"Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!" They rammed even harder and cause splinters to fly as everyone put themselves in perfect position.
"What shall we do, Mistress?"
"I-It doesn't matter now. Just let them come." Addy wiped away more tears and sat down on her balcony as it started to rain.
"Kill the Beast!" *ram!*
"Kill the Beast!" *ram!*
"Kill the Beast!" *ram!* Finally, they busted in and started to try and raid the place. To say it didn't end pretty is an understatement.
I am so sorry this is late! I had school and homework and I needed sleep and my parents were really mean and stuff! Excuses, excuses, I know. I am so sorry. I am trying to sign up for next year to be a reporter in my schools newspaper. Yeah, it's been difficult, with finals and stuff coming up, but I am sorry. I should have written more and... Yeah, I am sorry.

See ya ON TIME,
-Ella Kinders

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