Cinderella Part 2

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As the bells rang, Cinderell gathered the necessary items and walked up the rooms. On the steps, he lost his shoe (hint hint) and slipped it back on with ease. He had heard a rumor of he having the smallest shoe size, but he knew that couldn't be true, right? He knocked upon his first stepbrothers door and heard as he entered, "Where have you been?! I have some laundry for you! Get it done TODAY!" He exited with now two trays and a basket of laundry. He knocked upon the next stepbrothers door and it opened with ease. The next brother, although still vicious, was kinder than his counterpart. "Oh, you're late. Would you take care of this laundry? Hopefully by the end of the day? Thank you for breakfast." Cinderell exited with one tray and two baskets of laundry. He placed the baskets down and carried on his stepfathers tray quietly. He knocked lightly and heard a muffled, "Enter."

Lord Tremaine was a terrible man, old and constantly picking at Cinderell. As Cinderell entered, he began the list, "Today you must dust everywhere in the house, sweep the floor, clean the tapestries, do all the laundry, and polish the stairs. I want to be able to see my face when the boys and I come back from market. You are excused." Cinderell bowed and took up the laundry from Lord Tremaine. As he exited, he heard, "That boy will never succeed in life. Not as long as I live."

While Cinderell cleaned the floors later that day, he heard the sound of his stepfather trying to get the boys to sing a song. Muffled, "The pear-shaped toad!" The boys responded back, Dresele with a screech and André with a note from a flute. Dresele sang, "Oh sing sweet nightingale! Sing sweet nightingale! Ah ah aha Ah ah!" Cinderell sighed as he started to sing with a beautiful voice, "Ah ah ah ah ah! Oh sing sweet nightingale, sing sweetly nightingale." He lifted his head from the floor and saw Lucy had spread dusty paw prints everywhere! "Oh Lucy!" He stood up just in time to hear a knock at the door.

He opened the door to find a woman with a scroll, "By order of the Queen!" She handed the scroll to him and left. Cinderell closed the door and went upstairs to give them the scroll. He knocked on the door and heard his stepfather slam his hands onto the keys. Lord Tremaine opened the door, beat red. "What have I told you about interrupting our rehearsal?!" Cinderell handed the scroll to him, "F-from the Queen ." Lord Tremanie snatched up the scroll and opened it, reading, "Hark! The queen of the land request for all eligible young men to a royal ball for the princess, who is returning tonight." Lord Tremanie walked to his sons with the scroll rolled up, waving it around like a baton, "Do you know what this means?" André thought about it but Dresele shook his head and shrugged, "What's it got to do with us?" Lord Tremanie smacked Dresele on the head and looked to André, "Well?"
"Does that mean we have a chance to become royalty? By marriage?" Lord Tremanie smiled a wicked smile and laughed, "At least I have one smart son! Now, Cinderell-"
"May I go?" Lord Tremanie stopped and turned to him, "What did you ask?" Cinderell coward back and spoke lightly, "May I go to the ball? It said all eligible young men, and I happen to be eligible, somewhat young, and I'm pretty sure I am a man." Lord Tremanie smiled evilly as he approached Cinderell, "How would you go? You can't dress in..." He picked up a piece of his shirt, "This." Cinderell lit up a bit, "I can make some new clothes, after I'm done with my chores!"
Lord Tremanie sighed, "Perhaps..." Dresele gasped as André secretly smiled. When Cinderell exited to clean up, Dresele exclaimed, "Father you can't be serious!"
"I said perhaps. It is still early and we need you two to look your best."
Hey babes!
I am so sorry if this chapter is short. You see, I kinda posted twice... In one day... Starting from scratch... On each chapter. Yeah! So, like I said, tell me which story from Disney you want genderbent!
See ya babes!
-Ella Kinders

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