He gets hurt

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Spencer's POV

"Reid, you and Morgan go to the house, we're going to go to the church. He has to be at one of those locations." Hotch gave us orders. We all nodded our heads and got into the cars, speeding to our destinations.

We were closing in on the guy, and the unsub definitely knew he was about to be caught.

"Okay Reid, whatever happens. Don't split up. This guy is very dangerous." Morgan was stern. This unsub was unpredictable and incredibly dangerous. 

"I know, Morgan." I sighed and read him the directions to the house. 

We got there in no time and Derek busted down the front door. The house was dark and quiet, sweat was already dripping down my back from the sun and heat. 

"Clear." Morgan called from the living room. 

"Clear." I said walking through the kitchen. 

"Reid." I heard Morgan say lowly. I glanced at him and his head nudged towards a door down the hallway. I nodded at him and followed closely behind him, my gun held tightly in my hand.

Morgan opened the door and we were instantly met with John Jeffrey, the unsub. He had a knife to a little boys throat.

"John." I said calmly, I tried my best to keep my voice steady. "You don't have to do this, let Ethan go." I walked a little closer to them and his grip on the boy only got tighter.

"His name is JOHN! How could you guys let him go through what he went through! His mother died and all the cops did was so OH WELL!" John shouted. I gulped before continuing a step closer, Morgan close behind.

"No, you're wrong. His name is Ethan Walker. He is 8 years old." Morgan said. "His name is not John. His mother is waiting for him to come home." He continued.

"NO!" John shouted.

"John listen to us." I said. "He's not you." He finally locked eyes with me and his grip on Ethan loosened up. 

"What are you talking about?" He looked confused. I slowly put the gun back into my holster and walked towards him with my hands up.

"Reid." I heard Morgan say sternly but I kept going.

"I know what happened to your mother wasn't fair. The man that murdered your mother was never found and you and your mom never go justice." I spoke. "You saw your mom get murdered, you saw the man that did it but nobody believed you." I was almost within arms reach of the boy and that's all that mattered to me.

I just needed to keep him distracted enough to get him out of his arms. John's arms fell to his side. 

"They didn't listen. They didn't listen to me." He cried. 

"I know. But they'll listen now. If you hurt this little boy, nobody will ever know what happened to your mother. You will never be able to share her story." I got closer.

"They need to know." He cried louder. "THEY NEED TO KNOW!" John raised his arm but before he could do anything, I grabbed the boy and pushed him to Morgan, John stabbed the knife into my back and an agonizing scream left my mouth.

A gunshot rang in room and John's body fell to the ground. I fell onto my knees and screamed.

"Hey, hey, hey." Morgan caught me from falling onto the floor. "You're okay, I've got you." He said.

"MEDIC!!! HELP!" He shouted, hearing the sirens outside of the house.

"Morgan.." My head was hurting and I could feel the blood dripping down my back. "Y/N.." I started to say.

"Oh no. Don't start that. Tell her yourself." Morgan hissed. The medics burst into the room and that's the last thing I remember before everything went dark.


Your POV

"Where is he?!" I shouted as I ran into the hospital waiting room. Morgan and Hotch were by my side instantly.

"He's still in surgery.." Hotch said. "They should be finishing up soon, come have a seat." He urged me to sit in a seat but I shook my head.

"What happened?" I said, my hands were shaking and my body felt numb. He has to be okay.

"He got stabbed in the back." Morgan began to explain. "He made sure that an 8 year old boy was out of danger, he saved that boy." He said. 

"He's strong, Y/N." Derek wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. "He's going to be okay." He reassured me. The tears from my face stained his shirt but he hushed me still.

"Here, doll. Have a cup of coffee." Penelope pulled me from Derek and sat down with me and JJ and Prentiss. 

We sat in the waiting room for what felt like 10 hours but in reality it was around 3.

The doctor finally came out and I was up and out of my seat in seconds. Hotch, Derek and I approached him.

"He's going to be okay." He nodded his head. "He's very lucky, the knife was 2 inches away from going straight into his spine and it missed any vital parts." He explained. "He's going to be sore for a while but everything looks good, he's gotta be out of the field for a month while his wound heals properly." He told Hotch who nodded his head in understanding.

"When can we see him?" I asked immediately.

"You can see him right now. He's not awake yet, but I'm sure he will be soon." The doctor escorted all of us to his room and we all gathered around his bed. He looked so peaceful sleeping.

"Are any of you going to be spending the night?" The nurse asked us.

I nodded my head instantly. 

"Please, if that's alright." I nodded. 

"Yes of course, I'll bring you some blankets and pillows and the cot." She left the room and I sighed. 

"Do you want anyone to stay here with you?" Morgan asked, I shook my head no.

"No it's alright. I'm sure you guys are all tired, you can go home and rest. I'll call you guys if anything happens." I said to them, they all agreed and started to leave the room.

"Hey, get some rest alright?" Morgan patted my shoulder and closed the door behind him. 

I looked at Spencer and sighed, taking a seat on the side of the bed and grabbing his hand into mine. I gave it a light squeeze.

"You're an idiot you could've died." I said sadly, bringing his hand up to my lips and giving it a kiss. "But you saved the boy. You're a hero." I smiled at him. "My hero."

"Mmmm Your hero?" My eyes widened as his lips formed into a smile.

"Spence!" I shouted and hugged him instantly.

"Ooo Careful tiger." He winced but chuckled, I instantly got off of him and apologized.

"Sorry.. Sorry." I smiled. His eyes finally opened and I stared into them, my favorite color.

"I'm glad you're okay." I kissed his forehead.

"Thank you for staying." He smiled at me, this time he brought my hand to his lips and he kissed me knuckles.

"I will never not stay, Spence." I said honestly. "Thank you for not dying." I smiled.

"I try my best." He shrugged with a smile, opening his arms for me to lay down on the bed and cuddle with him, which I happily obliged.

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