The Beginning

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Your POV

I could barely hold myself together as I waited for the elevator doors to open, my little brother has been missing for 4 years and apparently the BAU was able to catch the unsub and get the captives safely. One of the captives being my now 7 year old brother. 

My heart was racing as the elevator doors finally opened and kids of all ages started to trail out one by one, they all ran to their loved ones and I bit my fingernail waiting to see if my kid brother was going to run to me. After all of them filed out of the elevator my heart started to break, not seeing my brother.

"Y/N!" My head shot up as I saw Matthew running to me. Tears poured out of my eyes and I fell to my knees as he engulfed me in his arms. I held onto him so tight, I never thought I'd see him again.

"Oh my gosh, you're alive. You're here. I've missed you so much." The words came out muffled as I bawled into his shoulder. 

"Wait here. I want to thank my friend." Matthew pulled out of your grip and ran to the agents. I sighed and ran after him.

"Where is the man with the fluffy hair?" Matthew said. A man with a stern face smiled softly at him and pointed at another man off to the side, reading a paper in a filing folder. Matthew then ran off towards him. I took this opportunity to say thank you to the agents.

"Don't thank us, Dr.Reid over there is the one that cracked the case and located all the kids." The man, who I learned was Agent Hotchner, said. I nodded at him and made my way to Matthew and Dr.Reid who was now crouched down on the floor to talk to Matthew.

I coughed as I made my presence known to them.

"Hi, my name is Y/N.. I just wanted to thank you for finding him.. He's all the family I have left. I thought I'd never find him." My voice cracked as I talked to him. He nodded and stood up, he held his hand out.

"Dr.Spencer Reid." He smiled. Instead of shaking his hand, I pulled him in for a hug, not being able to help myself as the tears continued to fall from my eyes.

"Sorry." I laughed and pulled away. He shook his head with a grin on his face.

"I don't mind." Was all he said.

"Y/N, can we invite Spencer over for a playdate sometime?? He's my friend." Matthew grinned up at me.

"Matthew, I think Dr.Reid has better things to do.." I blushed furiously.

"Please, call me Spencer. And I don't mind if you don't.." He shrugged with a playful grin.

"Oh. Haha yeah for sure then.. Here let me give you my number." I smiled as he placed his phone in my hand. I quickly typed in my number and saved my contact before handing his phone back.

"Thank you again.. I'll see you soon." I said grabbing Matthews hand and walking away.

"I hope so.." Spencer said under his breathe, but I still heard it.

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