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You're Spencer's little sister

Your POV

"C'mon Spence, please!!! I have nothing to do all day, I don't want to just stay at home!" I pouted at my older brother.

"Y/N, then just go to school and take the military test." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes, underclassmen were taking their yearly progress test so Seniors could either go to school and take a military test or go to a college tour, I already went to 5 so they exempt me.

"Just let me tag along.. You won't even notice I'm there, besides.. You said it was just paper work day." I begged. He let out a sigh and shook his head, a small grin formed on my face, he was about to give in.

"Fine. But the second you start goofing off, I'm calling an Uber for you." He stared at me firmly. I grinned and nodded my head, grabbing a jacket and some stuff to keep me entertained, I stuffed it in my bag and followed him out the door.

Once we arrived, we entered the bullpen and everyone noticed me. Penelope was by my side in seconds. 

"Y/N!!! Why are you here omg, I've missed you little one!" She squeezed me, I laughed and hugged her back tightly.

"Eh, I had the day off of school and wanted to join Spencer today." I shrugged, I gave everyone a hug and pulled a chair beside Spencer's desk. I pulled out my iPad and a book.

"Just like your brother huh?" Derek smiled at me. I nodded. "Gotta have big brains." I smiled. 

"You're like what? 17? And you're already as smart as you are, you guys got some good genes." He chuckled and went back to his paperwork. 

After reading 10 chapters of my book, I decided to take a break. I grabbed my phone and walked around the building, exploring it a bit, I already know where everything is. I sat on a couch in the hallway and scrolled through TikTok, I had hundreds of notifications, comments and likes. 

Not to brag or anything, but I did have a platform on TikTok, I wasn't viral but I had a good amount of followers. I scrolled through the new dances and audios trying to see what I wanted to do next.

"What are you doing?" I looked up from my screen to see Hotch walking down the hall. 

"Watching TikToks." I showed him my screen and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Watching what?" He looked confused, he sat down next to me and I continued to show him different videos and different types of content on tiktok.

"Oh my goodness. Hotch do you want to make a TikTok with me??" I grinned at him.

Spnecer's POV

It was almost time to go, about an hour and a half left. I looked around, I totally forgot Y/N. Where was she? I hadn't seen her for a while.

"Hey, has anyone seen Y/N?" I called out to everyone in the bullpen, they all shrugged and shook their heads. Huh. JJ got up to help me look for her, usually she'd stay by my desk or near the bullpen. We heard music coming from the conference room. 

We walked to the door, everyone else seemed intrigued and followed suite. The door was ajar and the music got louder and louder.

Renegade Renegade Renegade

"No way.. She got Hotch to dance." JJ whispered, we all peaking through the crack of the door to see Hotch and Y/N dancing in front of her phone. She was making a TikTok and somehow managed to get Hotch to join as well.

They finished the clip and we opened the door fully and started clapping. The wide smile on Hotch's face vanished and was replaced with his normal cold stare.

"Who knew Hotch could dance!!" Derek shouted. Everyone laughed and Hotch sent a glare to everyone but then gave Y/N a side smile and a fist bump.

"Why aren't you guys finishing your paperwork?" He raised and eyebrow. Everyone coughed awkwardly and he laughed, to let us know he was just joking. 

"We're going to go viral!" Y/N shouted. And proceeded to show us the video her and Hotch and just created. We all gathered around her and watched the video on repeat. Hotch was never going to live this down.

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