Prison Reid

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A/N: I've rewatched CM yet again and had the sudden urge to write more about Prison Reid, so here I am again with another imagine. I have so many different scenarios for prison Reid so expect a lot of different updates lol

Summary: Reid goes to prison and doesn't want to see you


You drove to the precinct as soon as she got the call from Emily. Your heart was pounding do hard Luke could probably hear it from beside you. You hated this, you hated not knowing what was happening. 

"Did you know he was in Mexico?" Emily questioned you, concern written all over her face. You shook her head immediately, your hand meeting your lip as you bit your fingernails.

"He told me he was going to Houston.. He didn't say anything about Mexico- Oh god, what did he do? Why didn't he tell me anything?" You squeezed your eyes shut tightly, anxiety consuming your body at the thought of Spencer getting himself into trouble.

"It's not good, Y/N. He's an american citizen being accused of murdering a Mexican citizen." Emily's eyes softened as she saw the distress on your face. Luke's hand met your shoulder, rubbing it softly in an attempt to provide any type of comfort. 

"Well what do we do now? How do we get him home?" You begged, tears running down your face. You've never been apart from your boyfriend for longer than two weeks, something in your gut told you this would take a lot longer than two weeks.

"It's not going to be easy, we're going to head there right now and see what's going on. I'm sorry Y/N, but you're going to have to wait for us here okay?" Emily frowned. "I will personally update you myself when I learn any information." 

You hated it. You hated being stuck at home when you knew Spencer was cooped up somewhere in a dingy jail cell, you felt useless. Diana was confused with the whole situation, she didn't understand why Spence was away for so long and everyone thought it was for the best if she didn't know he was arrested. 

The next day, Emily let you know that they managed to get Spencer's trial to be in the states since they discovered Nadie Ramos was a dual citizen. Spencer's case was nowhere near close to getting solved but it made you feel better knowing he was closer to home.

Your foot tapped against the floor repeatedly as you sat in Spencer's chair, waiting for his arrival. You'd been there for hours, basically as soon as Emily told you they were taking off. Spencer would only be here for 15 minutes before they take him to jail.

"They're coming up." Penelope gasped, grabbing your attention. She gave you a reassuring smile and took your hand to go wait in front of the elevator. You chewed you on your bottom lip as you stared at the elevator doors. JJ and Pen stood by your side, just as anxious to see Spence. 

The ring of the elevator made your heart stop, the doors slid open in slow motion and Spence stood front and center. Your eyes locked onto each other immediately and a gasp left your mouth at his appearance. His eyes were sunken in, his hair was all over the place, facial hair growing out. He looked exhausted.

It took him taking a few step towards you for you to realize this was happening, he was right there in front of you. You met him in the middle, your arms flying around his neck to bring him close to your body. You sighed deeply, feeling his hand cuffed hands against your stomach.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered softly into your ears, fighting back tears. You pulled back, cupping his face in your hands.

"Why didn't you tell me, Spence..." You asked sadly, staring at the love of your life.

"I'm sorry.. This is all a mess and it's all my fault." His voice cracked in sadness, breaking your heart in two.

"We're going to get you out. They're going to figure out the truth and we'll get you out of there, Spence. You have to stay strong okay? I know. I know you didn't do it. I know." You rushed out, bringing him back towards your body. You felt everyones eyes on you as you both cried in each other's arms. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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