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It was half past five, Spencer should be here any minute now. Today's the day you've been longing for, for a while now. The day Spencer is finally taking you on a date. 

You waited in the living room of your apartment, dressed in a black fitted dress, hair curled, make up down, and heels on. It was a very different outfit than anyone is used to seeing you wear at work. 

There was a knock at the door and you stood up instantly. 

"Spence, hi!" You smiled as you opened the door, Spencer was on his knee tying his shoe, making you laugh. He finally stood up and looked at you and his mouth parted slightly as he looked you up and down.

"Y/N... you look.. wow." He kept staring at you and you smiled and rolled your eyes playfully. 

"Thank you.. You look quite wow as well." You smiled and grabbed your clutch and a jacket before locking the door behind you. As you two walked to the elevator Spencer had his hand resting on the small of your back. A small gesture that made your heart swell.

"Where to?" You smiled as you stepped out of the elevator.

"Well... I kinda forgot to make reservations." Spencer scratched the back of his neck embarrassed. "But I have other plans that I think are better." He opened his car door for you before running to the drivers side.

You looked at him curiously, he didn't say much on the drive which you found strange, Spencer loves talking. Every so often he would glance at you, only to find you already looking at him.

"Is there something on my face?" He laughed after a few minutes of you staring at him.

"No.. It's just.. You're Spencer." You chuckled. He furrowed his eyebrows and cocked a smile at you.

"Yes.. And you're Y/N." He teased back.

"Yeah. And we're on a date." You stated, poking his arm a little bit. He laughed and shook his head.

"Yes. Indeed we are." He nodded.

"Weird, huh. Who would've thought??" You smiled at him before looking out the window.

"Me." He said under his breathe which made you whip your head at him with a smile. 

"Me too." You said softly and grabbed his hand to hold gently into yours. 

After about 20 minutes of driving, we were in the middle of the city. The sun was setting and the night life began to rise. Spencer parked the car in a parking garage and opened the door for you once more.

"C'mon. I hope you're not scared of heights." He chuckled. Again his hand was on your lower back as he guided you where to go. The sound of your heels clicking on the ground echoed through the garage as you guys approached the elevator. Spencer clicked the highest floor, you didn't even know what building this was. 

The elevator doors opened to reveal a door that led to the roof.

"After you m'lady." He bowed slightly and held his arm out for you to step out of the elevator first, then he opened the door to the roof.

There on the roof was a single table with a white table clothe, candles, plates, and wine glasses.

"Spence.." You were in utter shock, it was absolutely beautiful, the buildings surrounding you were lit bright and the light club music echoed through the streets. There were fairy lights hanging off the posts on the roof and there was another small table that had food on it, two men in suits stood by it and bowed to you as well as you approached the candlelit table.

Spencer pulled the chair out for you and you sat down in the seat.

"This is beautiful." You were at a loss of words, no guy has ever done something this nice and thoughtful for you, ever.

"Well I only wanted the best for you." Once you were both settled in the men brought out some salads and bread and whine. "I hope you don't mind the food choices I picked." He chuckled. After each the appetizers, they brought the entree and then the dessert.

The dinner was spent with laughter and memory sharing and getting to know one another on a deeper level. He really is an interesting guy and you couldn't believe that you scored a date with him. 

Once you guys were done eating, the two men left. Spencer took his phone out and music started to play, there was a speaker next to the other table. Spencer stood up and held his hand out to you. 

"Could I have this dance?" You happily obliged and grabbed his hand, he guided you away from the table and brought you close to him, one of your hands rested on his shoulder, the other still holding his hand. 

The lyrics to "La Vie En Rose" played through the air. Spencers eyes never left yours as you two danced.

"You really are absolutely stunning, Y/N." He whispered. A blush crept on your face.

"Thank you. This date has been amazing Spence.. More than I could dream of." You two swayed to the music. It was quite romantic really. The moon shined bright tonight, the weather is perfect and the man in your arms was perfect.

"Y/N, I like you a lot. It's kinda scary how much I'm attracted to you. Seeing you tonight, I was at a lost of words. Speechless really. Makes me feel like an incredibly lucky man." He said, his voice was soft and comforting.

"I like you too Spencer, I haven't liked someone like this in a long time. I agree, it's scary. But I'm glad it's you." You smiled at him.

"Me too." His words were almost too soft to hear, his eyes shifted from your eyes to your lips and before you knew it, his lips were gently placed on yours. It was a sweet kiss, no tongue, no roughness. It was perfect.

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