He Hurts You

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Spencer was stressed recently, work has been super hectic and his mom's conditions have seemed to worsen. Spence wasn't the same, you could tell by the way he talked to people, the way his eyebrows were always furrowed and never seemed to relax. You could tell by the way he didn't show affection towards you, no kissing or hugging or even an "I love you."

You were worried to say the least. Spencer was always super caring and focused really hard on the things he had to do, work and take care of his mother.

He was sitting on the couch, typing away on his computer, he finally had a day off of work but with everything going on with his mom, it consumed him. He's spent the past 3 hours nonstop researching things that could help his mom. 

"Spence, take a small break. I made lunch." You called from the kitchen. It was already 1 PM, the food was already cold but he refused to get up from his spot. He waved his hand letting you know he wasn't going to stop anytime soon. You sighed and rubbed your head. He's going to kill himself over working.

You made your way into the living room and sat down next to him, you placed your hand on his knee and sighed.

"Spence.." You started but stopped when Reid interrupted you.

"Please. Not now Y/N." His voice was cold and stern and you immediately removed your hand from his knee. 

"Spencer. No. Take a break and eat something." You stood up and grabbed the laptop off his lap and closed it. You put the computer in the kitchen so he was forced to get up and follow. When he entered the kitchen he didn't look very pleased at all. 

You handed him a plate of the lasagna that you had made. He stared at you for a second before grabbing it and throwing it at the wall. You jumped at his actions, Spencer was never one to be violent in any type of way in the relationship or in general unless he was on a case. The glass was shattered on the wall and it was a big mess.

"Spencer!" You shouted, shock filled your body. You could tell he was going to reach for the laptop but you stood your ground and kept your hand on top of the laptop on the counter.

"Move. I don't have time for this." He tried to grab the laptop from under you but you pushed him back with your free hand. This seemed to really piss him off, he grabbed your wrist and pushed you back with force. You fell back onto the kitchen counter and fell to the ground, holding your wrist tightly. Something felt wrong with your wrist. Spencer's face softened after realizing what he did. You were scared to look at him at first but finally got the courage to look up. He had his laptop in his hand and he shook his head lightly before walking away and out the door. 

Once the door shut, you let the tears fall. Your head was throbbing and your wrist was starting to swell. It was probably sprained. With the little strength you had left in your body you got up and carefully cleaned up the broken glass on the floor and wiped the wall down. 

After changing into different clothes you grabbed your phone, purse, and keys you made your way to the ER. There's no way that your wrist was okay, it was now turning a dark purple color and you could barely move it.

You sighed as you drive, still confused and hurt about the event that just happened. You've never seen Spencer so angry. He didn't even say sorry or anything. He just left. 

After explaining to the doctor that you had tripped down your stairs and hurt your wrist pretty bad they told you it was minor fracture. They put you in a cast and sent you on your way. When you got home Spencers car was still not int the driveway. 

Go figure.

Your heart was deeply saddened and you wanted nothing more than to just cry in your bathroom. You resisted the urge to text Spencer.

"He's the one that hurt me. He should be the one reaching out. Not me." You told yourself. You even pondered packing up your stuff and renting a hotel room for a few nights, but Spencer wasn't home and you doubted he would come home anytime soon. 

You fell onto the couch and let the tears fall.

Was this the end?

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