Imagine for Anna

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Anna's POV

"Anna could you hurry up? It's late and I really want to shower so I can sleep!" Spencer banged on the bathroom door. I rolled my eyes, spitting out the remains of the toothpaste in my mouth.

"Calm down, big brother, I'm almost done." I shouted back. I heard him hum before his footsteps slowly faded as he walked away from the door. I've been staying with Spencer while my apartment was going through some plumbing issues, it's been a week and I know I've been driving him insane, but he's too good an older brother to kick me out.

"Okayyyy, it's all yours!" I shouted, grabbing my phone off the sink and heading towards the guest room. My phone buzzed in my hand and I looked down at it as I settled in for bed.

Hotch: Can't wait to see you tomorrow, we still on for drinks in the evening?

Anna: Of course, as long as you don't send us away on a manhunt.

Hotch: Haha, I'll try my best. I miss you.. Why can't you just stay with me and Jack until your plumbing gets fixed?

Anna: Because Spencer will wonder where I'm staying, and he cares too much for me to book a hotel room and he would know I'm lying if I said I'm staying at a friend's.. 

"Do you want to get breakfast before work tomorrow?" Spencer stood in the doorway, I jumped a little at his voice, my phone slipping from my hand and onto the floor next to the bed. He laughed and walked over to pick it up. I panicked and reached down as fast as I could, but rather than snatching the phone I just fell on my ass. Spencer looked at me weird, picked up the phone and then helped me up as well. The phone buzzed in his hand and he looked down at it.


His eyes glanced at the screen and then widened. Ah crap.

"Anna." His voice was stern and I knew I was caught. "Why is Hotch telling you he can't wait to finally kiss you again??" He shoved the phone in my face, showing me the message. His eyes were filled with anger.

"Spencer come on!" I shouted, getting on my feet. "You seriously can't be mad right now." I huffed.

"I have every right to be upset! I just found out my kid sister is screwing our boss!!" He spat.

"I'm not a kid! I'm 23, I can make my own choices. And we're not screwing. We're dating." I crossed my arms and shot a glare at him. If eyes could kill, Spencer would've murdered me five times over.

"How long has this been going on?" His voice was suddenly calm and even. Which was even scarier than when he was shouting. Spencer doesn't get like this unless he's furious.

"Two months." I said, my voice suddenly becoming timid. Spencer closed his eyes and rubbed his hands on his face, letting out a soft groan.

"You've kept this a secret from me for two months???" The look he gave me was a mixture of disappointment, anger, and concern.

"I-" before I could muster up the words Spencer just shook his head and slowly walked out the door, making sure to slam it on his way out.

"Great." I groaned, falling back on my bed.

Next Day

"Let's go. I don't want to be late." Spencer came into the room, that was all he said before leaving again, waiting by the front door.

"It's only 7??" I shouted at him confused. 

"I said let's go." Spencer's voice was stern and pointed. I grabbed the last of my things before walking out the door with him. Spencer drove, which was odd, usually I'd drive when we carpooled, he kept both hands on the stirring wheel and drove super fast to work.

I knew he was up to no good, I pulled out my phone and sent Aaron a text, letting him know that Spencer might not be in the right mind right now.

"Giving your little boyfriend a good morning text?" He muttered.

"Is that what this is about? Spencer you need to calm down. What are you gonna do, waltz in there and shout at your boss?? Are you trying to get fired?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Spencer didn't respond as he continued to race down the streets.

As soon as we pulled into work, Spencer slammed the car door and walked into the building, straight towards Aaron's office. I was hot on his heel, grabbed his hand a few moments before he could reach Aaron's door. 

"You need to think this through, stop being so hotheaded." I whisper shouted. He shoved his shoulder and walked straight into Aaron's office, Derek and Rossi stood in front of Aaron and turned around shocked at the sudden burst of the door.

Spencer paid no mind to them and I looked at them asking for help. Spencer walked straight past them and behind Aaron's desk, grabbing his collar and pushing him against the wall. 

"How long have you been sleeping with my sister?" His voice was full of anger.

"Woah, woah, Reid." Derek warned spencer.

"How long? How dare you look me in the eyes everyday, shake my hand, when you've been seeing my little sister behind me back? HOW LONG?" Spencer's voice filled the office. Derek and Rossi immediately grabbed his shoulders, trying to pull him off of Hotch.

"Reid you need to calm down." Aaron's voice was calm, his face showed no sign of emotions.

"Is that an order?" Spencer chuckled, Derek held him back and pulled him away from Aaron.

"If you want to talk about it, we can definitely do that. If you want to punch me and hit me, you can do that too. But I don't think that would end well for any of us." Aaron raised and eyebrow at Spencer. Spencer huffed and shrugged Derek off. 

"Fine." Spencer walked away from Aaron and stood beside me. Derek and Rossi took this as their time to leave and they shut the door behind them.

"Anna and I have been dating for two months now, we aren't "screwing," I genuinely like Anna and enjoy spending time with her." Aaron looked at me and gave me a small smile, which I returned.

"How could the two of you keep this from me?" He was hurt, I could tell, his anger was coming from a place of hurt. 

"This. This is why we kept it from you. You just tried to beat up Hotch, your boss!" I exclaimed.

"You mean, our boss? The man you've been seeing, the man that's 20 years older than you?!" He stared at me. 

"I don't care how old he is! And yes, he may be my boss but we've already disclosed this with HR and talked to Strauss about it, we haven't done anything wrong. Spencer I know you love me and care for me, but I am an adult. I'm not a little kid anymore." I sighed, looking him dead in the eye. "I know I can make a lot of stupid decisions sometimes but this isn't one of them. I genuinely care for Aaron, I don't care if he's my boss, I don't care if he's 20 years older than me, he could be 30 years older than me and I still wouldn't care! I know you're just looking out for me.. but he makes me really happy, Spence.." I tried to reach out my hand to his, slightly scared he would reject me but he let me grab onto his hand.

He let out a sigh and looked between me and Hotch.

"Okay.. fine. I'm sorry." He started. "I'm sorry I lashed out on you, I should've let you talk to me. But please Anna, when it comes to things like this, you have to tell me. I can't be in the dark about this." I knew he was right, it felt wrong keeping this from Spencer, we never kept anything from each other.

"And sir, I'm sorry I tried to bash your face in." Spencer offered him a side smile which Aaron laughed at and shook his head.

"It's understandable." He shrugged.

"Be good to her. She deserves the best, and I suppose that's you, sir." Spencer nodded. "But if I ever see a single tear fall from her eyes because of you.. I will bash your head in." Spencer smirked.

"Fair enough." Aaron raised his hands up in surrender.

"I'm happy for you guys." Spence smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Looks like my kid sister isn't a kid anymore." He sighed.

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