Lonely Nights

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You had just gotten back from a case that took almost 2 weeks to solve, you were exhausted to say the least. When you landed Rossi offered to pay for drinks at the bar, but you passed seeing how tired you were. The rest of the team went to get drinks but you settled in at home on the couch.

The case the team was on involved an unsub that was only targeting mothers and daughters together. Cases that involved family relations always got to you, you weren't very close with your family anymore. After your little sister died of a heart disease the family fell apart and nobody cared to reach out to one another.

You didn't even realize how sad and lonely you were till a single tear fell from your eyes. You wiped it away quickly and focused on the episode of The Office that was playing on the tv. You hated nights like these, all alone with nobody to talk to.

There was a knock on your door and you mentally groaned before dragging your feet to the door.

"Hello?" You opened the door to reveal a Spencer Reid wearing pajamas and holding a bag of chinese take out in his hand.

"Mind if I come in?" He grinned at you. You smiled and opened the door wider for him to come. You both walked into the living room as he opened up the bag of food.

"Oh I love The Office! You know I've watched this entire series about 13 times in my life which means I spent -" You cut him off before you could continue, because you know he would never stop rambling about it.

"I know Spence, you've told me." You laughed. "What are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking. Not that I don't enjoy your company." You leaned back on the couch and turned your head to look at him. He shrugged.

"I know cases that involve families can affect you sometimes. I could tell on the ride home that you weren't feeling too good and I didn't want you to be alone." He stated. He set his hand on your thigh, nothing that took you off guard, you and Spence were pretty close and he was an affectionate person towards you.

"Well thank you.. It means a lot that you came all this way for me. I really appreciate you." You leaned on his shoulder as you both at your food and watched The Office.

It was getting pretty late but neither of you wanted the night to end. Before you knew it you could hear Spencer lightly snoring as his head fell onto yours. You smiled to yourself, carefully moving to allow Spencer to lay down on the couch. You got up and grabbed a blanket and put it over Spencer before turning to walk to your room. But Spencer grabbed your hand and pulled you down to lay next to him.

"Don't leave.." He whispered. You nodded and laid with him, he wrapped his arm tightly around you and held you close to make sure you didn't fall off the couch. With a sigh of contentment you closed your eyes and let your body doze off into a deep sleep.

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