Thanks Assie

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Go away, go away, go away-

Beelzebub flinched as they were hit in the back of the head with a ball of paper. They didn't need to turn around to know that it was a page from their art history text book, the one that had just been ripped from their hands by Uriel. Another ball of paper hit them in the back.

They glanced over their shoulder and ducked, narrowly missing the heavy book cover that was launched at their face by Michale. That book had cost nearly a hundred dollars, slaved for by both them and their older siblings. Levi would be so mad at them for letting it get torn up... Another group of papers was thrown at them. They glanced down and briefly saw the face of Anne of Cleves.

Was that a sign from some being? Beelzebub could tell that story over and over again without even trying: the big, tall, handsome king didn't want someone he viewed as ugly. Anne barely escaped from the chopping block. It eerily fit their current situation... an ugly, short little thing in love with their big, tall, handsome bully. There was a difference though; Anne never loved Henry. And Henry never beat up Anne behind the school on Fridays.

It truly had been an accident for Gabriel to find out about their years long crush on him. They had been sketching during lunch about two months before now, zoning out and drawing a familiar set of handsome eyes, when the paper was ripped from from their sketchbook and held where they couldn't reach. They had dropped their pencil and turned, only to come face to face with Michale, Gabriel's long time partner. She had smiled at them sweetly, scarily sweet, before ripping the paper into thousands of shreds before their eyes. "A little stalker-ish to be drawing my boyfriend, right Beatrix?"

That had hurt more than the drawing behind ripped up. Michale used they as well as she, Michale never used her dead name, Michale... Michale stabbed them where it hurt. And then had turned, and waltzed over to Gabriel, and whispered in his ear. And then their life became hell.

They turned back around and began walking faster. Tears welled in their eyes as they heard the steady click of two pairs of boots approaching them from behind. They clutched their art journals against their chest. The history book was one thing, they could work to pay Levi and Assie back for the book, but these journals held years and years of hard work and dedication. They would be blessed before they would hand them over to those insufferable dickheads following them. They would not let another one of their creations be ripped up like trash.

They turned left, walking down the corridor quickly. They were still following them, why wouldn't they just go away? Beelzebub raced up to the door at the end of the hall. They switched their journals into their left arm and tugged on the handle with their right. The handle clicked, and clicked again but the door did not open up. They shoved their shoulder into it, and it did not budge. Beelzebub was backed into a corner with no way out.

They slowly turned and looked up. Michale sneered down at them, the cover of their art history book clutched in her hands. She looked down at the horribly disfigured copy of the Venus on the cover and then dug in her nude colored nails, covering the beautiful face with crescents. Beelzebub made a pained noise. That statue was their favorite, so much so that they had painted a beautiful, neon version of that statue on the back of their door with the pretty, fluorescent and expensive paints they had managed to get on sale.

Gabriel was looking down at them as if they weren't even there. They couldn't help but turn red around him... they didn't know why they liked him, but they did and they couldn't help it. They clutched their journals tightly.

"Where do you think you're going, Beatrix?" Michale smiled at them horribly.

"My name is Beel-"

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