I Fell For You

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"Gabriel no!" Beelzebub screamed out as angels grabbed at their clothing to stop them. They twisted it of the Angels' grasps and ran to him, throwing their arms around him. "Please don't."

"I can't stop it Bebe." He whispered to them, gently stroking their hair.

"Please don't leave me. Please don't. I love you." They sobbed into his chest.

"I'm sorry Beelzebub. I have to." He gently tried prying them off.

"I'll go with you! Please!" They begged. They couldn't loose him, not when they had finally told him how they felt.

"I'm sorry Beelzebub." Michale said from behind them. "You can not."

"Please! I just want him! I love him!" They begged. Looks of disgust were thrown at them and they backed up.

"An angel can never love a demon." Uriel snapped.

"He's not a demon! He's an angel!" They were sobbing hard now.

"Not anymore." Michale sighed. Several angels grabbed Beelzebub and held them down, and Michale came over, and pushed Gabriel off the edge.

"GABRIEL!" Beelzebub shot up in bed, screaming the name in pure panic. They reached over but found nothing, like they did ever morning. It had been millennia since their love was thrown from heaven, and they still had nightmares about it.

Beelzebub didnt have a bad life as an angel. They were beautiful, smart, a messenger to God, in charge, feared, respected. They had a perfectly life it seemed. But they were so very much unhappy.

They hardly talked to anybody and had no friends. They spent more time on earth than in Heaven. Once they had questioned their faith and then immediately prayed for forgiveness. There was really only one thing they cared about. The demon of lust, Gabriel.

It wasn't like they didn't see Gabriel. In fact, now that the end of the world has been put to an end, they saw him very frequently at meetings, wether private or not that didn't really care. They always couldn't help but stare at him. He hadn't changed a bit; Tall, strong, handsome beyond belief. The only difference was the darker hair and darker eyes, and the scar running down his lip.

They had changed somewhat. They didn't really grow out their hair and their blue eyes always appeared sad. They wore fitted trousers and fitted shirts under fitted jackets with fitted shoes and even fitted socks. Everything about them was perfect, except for they never smiled. Now since he was taken away.

He remembers them. At least, they hope he does. The flirting and teasing has to mean something right? Did he remember them confessing to him? Saying they loved him? Does he remember what he said?

One day, about five or seven months after the traitors fucked everything up, they had to meet. As usual, they were late, and hurried in like a mad person.

"You're late, Archangel Beelzebub." Gabriel said from his seat at the head of the table, his feet propped up. He wore tight black jeans, tight combat boots with heels and red bottoms, and a black shirt with a few of the buttons undone to reveal his hairless and perfectly muscles chest. They stopped for a second to gawk. "I assume a pretty lady kept you waiting?"

They shook their head, "Ladies aren't really my type."

"Really now?" Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "What is your type, Archangel?"

"Why should you care?" Beelzebub blushed gold. "We should start the meeting."

Gabriel sighed and got his boots off the table, leaning his elbows on it, exposing more of his chest. They blushed and stared slightly as they sat down.

"Like what you see angel?"

"Do hush."

"Can't help but notice that pretty blush of your's."

"I am not blushing. I am an Archangel, I do not blush."

"So if I took off my shirt, you'd be fine with it?"

"Thought so."

"Gabriel," Beelzebub finally snapped. "Please shut up so we can go over what we need to."

There was a moment of stunned silence.

"Sorry angel." He said it quietly and leaned back in his chair. Beelzebub sighed and began talking and telling, explaining things and asking questions. Gabriel would answer in as few words as possible and it bothered Beelzebub.

The meeting ended much faster than normal. Gabriel hadn't flirted or teased at all.

"Well. Goodbye then." Beelzebub smiled. When they went to open the door, it wouldn't come open. "Strange."

They suddenly gasped as black-clad arms appeared in either side of them, large pale hands flat against the door. They could feel intense heat against their back and it made them shiver.

"You never answered my question earlier angel." Gabriel whispered in their ear.

"W-What question?" They stuttered nervously, feeling a blush rise on their face.

"Do you like what you see?" He growled.

"I-I see a door Gabriel." That was obviously the wrong thing to say because he spun them around and pinned them to the door by their wrists.

"What do you See now?" He growled angrily.

"Gabriel, I'm sorry, please." They whispered.

"Please What?" He hissed.

"Please let me go." They suddenly started crying and it scared Gabriel.

"Beelzebub?" He whispered.

"Please don't do this to me. Please." They were crying now.

"Why are you crying? Please don't cry." He lifted them up and sat down, holding them.

"I'm crying because this is fake. Because you don't remember what happened before the fall." They sobbed.

"Beelzebub... who said I didn't? I remember everything." Gabriel whispered. They looked up at him.


"Yes. I remember you. I remember everything about you and the Beelzebub I see every month is not the Beelzebub I saw then. Why are you like this?" He questioned.

"Because you left. I fell for you and you left me." They pressed their face into his chest.

"Oh Beelzebub... I fell for you to."

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