You Don't Need Fire to Burn

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"Dear Gabriel,

I assume by the time you find this I'm gone. I want to say that this isn't your fault... but it is. I loved you Gabriel. How could you do this to me?!

I didn't suspect much when Assie showed up with bruises and hickies. You know how she is. And I didn't suspect much when she would sneak off.

I suspected something when you had bruises, when you snuck off. And it hit me only two times.

The first was when Asmodeus happily proclaimed she was pregnant. Which was odd. She was the demon of lust. And she was pregnant.

The second was more of a slap in the face. I saw you that night on the terrace. I watched you pull her into your arms and kiss her. I watched you kiss my sister. I watched the man I love cheat on me with the woman I called a sister. It was my birthday, Gabriel.

I wanted to tell you, but I guess since you already have a baby on the way, it wouldn't be much of a shock. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant and at first I was scared. But then I thought I would have you forever and we could raise the child together. I guess forever is a lot shorter.

I don't want my fate to be the fate of my child, and so through various exhaustive curses, I placed her in the stomach of a human woman. She will grow up with that family happily.

I hope you take care of this baby and my sister. Because you never really took care of me now that I think about it. No cuddles or food or hugs. Only empty kisses, empty proclamations of love, and empty sex. For an angel, you are anything but loving.

I hate you Gabriel. I never thought I would say that. I thought I loved you. I thought I would have been able to give up everything for you. But after witnessing that... I can't even stand to look at you.

My death is on your hands.


The demon looked down at the short, choppy, tear stained note they had made. They laid it on his pillow. He would either find it in going to bed or bringing their sister to bed. Either way... he would know.

Beelzebub turned and walked out and down to the execution room. A tub full of holy water sat waiting, along with a stool. They weren't stepping in, they wanted it to be quick and watching their own being be ripped apart slowly wasn't ideal.

They stood on the stool. They had taken off their pet fly hat. They had taken off their socks and shoes. They had on the metals though. They turned their back to the tub and spread their arms like phantom angel wings.

They could hear their name being called, numerous voices shouting their name and running towards the room they were in. They hesitated, but only for a moment.

Beelzebub fell backwards as the door opened and Gabriel, Asmodeus, Levithan, and the rest of their siblings raced in and watched in horror as they fell backwards and hit the water.

They could faintly hear Asmodeus screaming and Gabriel calling out for them, feel his hands pull them up and his lips on their's, trying to breath air back in or take one last kiss, they couldn't tell. But it was already to late.

Their body disintegrated into dust and they could no longer feel any pain or sadness. They were nothing. Beelzebub was dead.

The demons and the angel stood still for a moment before Asmodeus ran out screaming and crying. Levithan followed, and so did their brothers, leaving Gabriel alone.

The angel sunk to his knees next to the tub of holy water. He stared down until heavy sobs ripped from his throat and he threw himself onto the floor, sobbing and crying.

It's funny how when you loose those you took for granted, you realize how much you love them.

Gabriel's fingers clutches and pulled at his hair as he sobbed into the floor. He wanted Beelzebub back. But he couldn't. He couldn't get them from where they were now.

An hour later, he could feel the hands of his own brothers and sisters pull him to his feet and help him walk out and fly back to heaven.

This story has no happy ending. Beelzebub never came back. Gabriel eventually stepped into Hell Fire just for the chance of being with them. Asmodeus got rid of the baby. The world ended once Hell and Heaven lost the people who kept them in check.

"Dear Beelzebub,

If they find this I am dead. I am dead because it was my only chance of being with you again. I don't know yet if it worked or not, but I will find out soon.

The fire curls the edges of the paper as I write, though it is dark in hear. The light has faded now that you are gone.

I love you Beelzebub. I'm sorry I didn't see that you were the only one for me.

Your death and my own are on my hands now. Hopefully I will join you soon. I love you.


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