The Stars in Your Eyes

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It was raining heavily as he finally stepped into the elevator. Hong Kong was beautiful at night. It had to be; It was the whole reason his night-adoring lover chose to have their third home here. It wasn't Las Vegas, nor was it London, and yet they most often stayed here during the summer. Stayed was a loose term; They were fooling themselves into thinking they were hiding from Heaven and Hell together inside of their luxurious penthouse apartment.

The elevator began to ascend towards the penthouse and he leaned against the wall. The mirrored walls reflected his tired, rain-soaked form. He sighed and miracled himself dry, though he left the soft, dark bags under his eyes. Gabriel looked forward to seeing his lover again, even if he had only been gone a day. He longed for their arms wrapped around his neck, dragging him into the expensive silk sheets they had begged for and he had willingly provided. He knew those soft sheets would smell of his sweet, rotten lover and simply the idea of that sent a thrill through his body. They had been together as lovers for many years and the thought of his little prince still left him hard and aching.

How long had he been in love with Beelzebub? He could not say if he was asked. He knew it to be many years before they'd approached him and proclaimed their own burning desire, and that was so long ago. He had longed for the spoiled little demon for so long that upon hearing those sinful little words whispered into his ear, he pulled them down into the tall grass surrounding the two, and made love to them roughly. The grass was burned under their blasphemous union, and he personally knew that the grass had not grown back since. It sent a thrill through Gabriel's tall, muscular frame. He smiled softly, happy to know that there would always be a reminder of their love and lust on this Earth.

The elevator dinged softly and he stood. He smiled softly as the doors opened and let him into the apartment. He slipped off his shoes and placed them alongside Beelzebub's little black heels. He set down his briefcase and unwound his lavender scarf, hanging it on the coatrack next to the door. He smiled softly and padded across the dark hard word floor and into the kitchen. The floor was cold and shiny from his little prince's cleaning. For the Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub certainly loved to clean up the house for him. The dishes was sparkling on the counter, ready for him to put up. Gabriel's lover was too short to reach the cabinets to put up their dishes after dinner.

He smiled and took time to put up the black porcelain plates for Beelzebub. He then grabbed a crystal glass, a gift from Beelzebub, and filled it with an expensive liquor. His beautiful little sinner had finally convinced him to indulge in fine liquor, and he had obliged. Their sinful little sounds when he took a sip and let them take it from him helped to push along the casual drinking. Now, the two shared a cabinet stuffed full of expensive, ancient wines and whiskies and beers. Beelzebub preferred red wine, the older the better, and indulged in hard drinks only when they wished to have more adventurous fun with Gabriel. That being said, nothing beat the memory of him removing the wine glass from their small fingers, laying them back against the lounge chairs on the balcony, and slowly fucking them until his little prince saw white behind their eyelids and the new day's sun kissed the pale skin of their naked body.

He took a sip from the glass, tasted an old Irish whiskey, and let the drink slide hot down the back of his throat. He could feel the ache of the day's work on his bones, and chuckled softly at the imagined exhaustion. Gabriel glanced at the clock, noted the late hour, and began his journey to the bedroom. The apartment truly was a marvel. High tech and luxurious, with expensive leather furniture, Michelin star restaurant grade kitchen appliances, and old, priceless books lining every shelf, it cost more than the two would admit and was deeply loved by Beelzebub, who was so used to the dark, disgusting environment that was Hell. Their personal favorite room was their play room. Gabriel had returned home many times to find his little sinner naked as the Baby Christ and spread out over the white tiger skin rug, usually plugged full and aching, Beelzebub's little cock leaking against their stomach as they silently begged him to stop standing there and come fuck them.

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