Green Eyed Monster

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Envy is a sin. Envy is a sin. Envy is a sin.

Gabriel had always thought the Green Eyed Monster was a myth.

Two figures were being dragged towards the tub and the fire; A male angel and a female demon. The man was begging for forgiveness while the woman quietly sobbed. They had been caught in an inappropriately intimate position during a meeting between the angels and the demons. Just before being thrown in the tub, the woman screeched out," I love you!"

Her body hit the water and disappeared and the man burst into tears. "I love you to!" He finally was tossed into the flames and rejoined her, wherever they may be.

Gabriel turned away from the seen. His violet eyes might as well have been green with how much jealousy he was feeling. It was perfectly natural to be jealous when one's romantic interest was wrapped around another person.

Gabriel has known for many years now that he had been romantically interested in the Prince of Hell, Lord Beelzebub. He had been subtly dropping hints during conversations and meetings, hoping they would understand and maybe perhaps love him back. This display he witnessed today, it felt like the nail in his coffin. A clear sign that Beelzebub would never like him.

He was not referring to the execution of the demon and the angel, but instead was referring to Dalia Kane, the female demon practically wrapped around Beelzebub during the execution. The rumor mill has been rife that month, full of stories of how the Prince had fallen head over wings for this girl.

Dalia Kane had a beauty that could almost rival Asmodeus' own. In fact, she was a Lady-In-Waiting to the lustful demon, and a member of the Cult of Lust, Asmodeus' group of dedicated followers. According to rumor, she had bumped into Beelzebub in the hallway, and they had dragged her off to their office for a few minutes of fun.

The broad had stood beside Beelzebub, who was dressed in full regalia, clutching his arm. She wore a tight red dress that showed to much cleavage and made her appear as thin as pencil graphite. She had stroked his arm and whispered in his ear and bit her lip and batted her eyelashes. Gabriel found all of it rather disgusting.

Beelzebub just seemed to be eating it up. They would stroke her sides or squeeze her hips or once even squeezed an ass cheek, right in front of everyone! There was no wonder this girl was a slut! It was disgraceful! How could Beelzebub do this to the court of Hell? How could they do this to Gabriel? During a trial no less!

Gabriel couldn't deny he was jealous. He had harbored feelings for Beelzebub for many centuries, and to see them like this, so wrapped around one woman annoyed him to his core. He was so mad he could discorporate himself right then and there. Beelzebub's attention would certainly be on him then.

Right after the trial, Beelzebub and his two-bit whore disappeared down a hallway that led to Beelzebub's own quarters. Gabriel felt a surge of anger and followed them. Maybe it would bring him a bit of joy to see the girl fucked senseless and then left forgotten in the hallway.

But that wasn't what he saw in the hallway. What he saw was them hugging, holding hands and laughing. Beelzebub held her face and kissed her tenderly, seemed to worship her. She giggled and melted into them, not to seduce them but to be close to them, just to be close to them. They wrapped arms around each other and just held each other, laughing and talking and whispering to each other. Beelzebub's face sported a truly happy smile.

Gabriel stopped in his tracks. His stomach filled with a feeling of anger and annoyance and something else. Something that made his eyes start to water and made his feet want to run away, to carry him as far away from the two as fast as possible. He didn't like this feeling. Beelzebub was supposed to be his, only his! They were his... his Beelzebub..

Maybe Gabriel had just missed his chance. Beelzebub obviously wasn't interested. Even as he watched, Beelzebub pulled away from the hug and cradled her face again, and spoke to her in a voice that just screamed love and passion,

"I love you."

Gabriel turned then, and finally ran away. He ran as fast as he could through the crowds of angels and demons, out of Hell, and across the Earth. He didn't stop running until the tears stopped falling, and by that time, he was in London. He could hardly breath from the pain and frustration, and his body yearned for water.

Gabriel sat down on a bench and put his head in his hands and cried some more. He couldn't help it. Beelzebub was no longer his, and they would never be his again. He cursed himself for not telling them sooner, for not giving in and kissing them when he had the chance!

He stopped crying as the sun rose. It was a new day in London. Crowley and Aziraphel were probably around here. At least they had each other. He laughed dryly. At least one pair of angels and demons got to be together.

He closed his eyes and suddenly found himself in his quarters in Heaven, right in front of a mirror. When he opened his eyes again, he kinda wanted to cry some more.

His eyes were green.

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