#16 You're a Hunter

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Scott: It was Saturday; you were getting ready to go hunting. Your family were werewolves hunters and being 16, your family thought it was time for you to start helping out. You weren't sure if you wanted to because your boyfriend, Scott, was a werewolf. You had your tazer tucked in your belt, and a crossbow strapped across your back. "Are you ready?" You heard your Dad shout up to you from downstairs. "Yeah" you called back. You grabbed your bag and made your way downstairs. There was a path to the woods behind your house so it wasn't too far. You had been hunting for about 30 minutes and you had spilt up from the rest of the group. You were quite far into the woods, and in the distance you saw someone running on all fours. You got your crossbow out and shot whatever was running in the distance. They stopped and dropped to the floor. You ran over to them to see who it was. As you got closer you started to make out the face. Scott. You ran over to him. "Oh my god Scott, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you," you said kneeling down next to him. "Y/n what are you doing in the woods? Why have you got a crossbow?" he asked you. "And a Tazer?" he said noticing the crossbow strapped around you. You looked down. "Well, you see, what it is, is," you tried telling him, but it was hard, how were you supposed to tell your werewolf boyfriend that your family hunt werewolves? "You see, my family are hunters, and they thought it was time that I started helping out and I didn't want to tell you because I thought you would be mad" you said without taking a breath. Scott looked at you in disbelief. "Werewolf hunters?" he asked just to make sure he heard right. You nodded. "That's, um wow" Scott laughed. "Your not mad?" you asked him. "No, it's not your fault, plus that outfit makes you look really hot" he told you. You felt your cheeks blushing. "Thank you" you said back. You both got up from the floor. "You should probably go, there are others around and you don't want to get caught" you told Scott. "Ok, just 2 minutes" he told you. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in and kissed you. You stood on your tiptoes to reach his lips. You leant back on a tree and you kissed more until you heard someone's voice. "Y/n, where are you? It's time to go." "Coming" you shouted back. You kissed Scott one last time before walking away. "Hey, we'll finish this later" Scott said, winking at you.

Stiles: You knocked on the front door of Stiles' house and Sheriff Stilinski answered the door. "Hey y/n" he welcomed you. "Hi, Sheriff, is Stiles here?" you asked him. "Yeah he's in his room, go on up". He said letting you in the house. You thanked him and made your way to Stiles' bedroom. You stopped when you got to Stiles' door and took a deep breath. You held your hand up to the door and froze for a couple of seconds before knocking. "Come in," you heard Stiles shout from the other side of the door. You walked in and smiled when you saw Stiles sitting on the bed on his laptop with sheets all around him. "Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked you. "I wanted to talk to my boyfriend is that ok?" you asked him. "It's fine," he told you. You sat down next to him on his bed. "What are you doing?" you asked him, picking up one of the pieces of paper on the bed. "Trying to find out more information about the kanima". He told you. You put the piece of paper down. "Stiles we need to talk". You told him. "Sure, about what?" he asked you. "I need to tell you something and you have to promise me you won't be mad or angry," you told him. There was a moment of silence. "I'm a werewolf hunter," you blurted out. Stiles didn't speak. He just looked at you. "It's a family thing. I haven't actually done much yet, I only started a couple of weeks ago," you explained to him. "Say something then" you said. "What about Scott and Derek?" he asked you. "They don't know about Scott yet. And I'm not sure about Derek. The times I have been, we haven't seen anything," you told him. "Huh" Stiles looked around the room and then back at you. "So, you have like weapons and stuff?" he asked you. "Yes, and a black outfit, which is extremely tight". You told him. "Really?" he said. "You'll have to show me some time," he told you. "Thanks for understanding" you said. You kissed for a bit. "Hey do you wa..." Sheriff Stilinski walked through the door. You quickly pulled away. "Never mind" he said and walked back out the door. You both laughed embarrassed and then went back to kissing.

Derek: You were at Derek's place and Derek, Scott, Stiles and Isaac were having a talk about werewolf stuff. "We need to kill the twins Scott, otherwise they are just going to keep killing people". Derek snapped at Scott. "It's not them, do you really think a werewolf would strangle someone?" Stiles shouted back. He had a point. "Derek, he's right. Don't go killing anyone unless we are 100% sure. And first we need to find out why the alpha pack is here" Scott said to Derek. Derek threw his hands up in defeat. "I'm going out tonight to look for them, I need to find out what's going on before anyone else gets killed". Derek told Scott. "Yeah and how are you going to do that without getting yourself killed?" Scott asked Derek. You looked at the floor, wondering if maybe then was a good time to tell them you're a werewolf hunter, maybe you could help them find the alpha pack and get some real answers. "I don't know, we will just have to wait and see what happens when I get there," Derek shouted at Scott. "I can help," you spoke up. Everyone looked at you. "What?" Isaac asked. They all looked confused. "I can help you find them," you told them again. "What are you talking about? You're not coming with us, you'll get yourself killed". Derek said to you. "No, I won't" you walked over to where they were standing. You were a little hurt that he didn't think that you could defend yourself. "Because I'm a werewolf hunter," you told them, they all stood there with their mouths open. "What do you mean?" Derek asked you. "Well my family are, I have been training a couple of times, I know how to catch a werewolf and I know where all the traps are in the woods," you explained to them. "That's great," everyone looked at Stiles. "Well kind of," he added, rubbing the back of his neck. "I mean she can help you catch them, there's less chance of anyone ending up dead this way," he continued. "She could end up dead Stiles! If she goes out there, with an alpha pack running around God knows how she could get killed!" Derek shouted louder then he was supposed to. You turned to Derek and held his hands. "I'll be fine, I've done it before," you told him, looking into his eyes. He looked away. You stood on your tiptoes and kissed him. "Trust me," you said and Derek nods.

Isaac: You were in your room doing homework when you heard a knock on the door. "Come in," you called out. The door opened and you looked behind you to see Isaac walking into your room. He didn't look happy. He looked mad and upset and was carrying a bag. "Hey, what's wrong?" you asked walking towards him and wrapping your arms around his neck. He dropped the bag and hugged you back. "Derek kicked me out," he told you. "Why? What did you do?" You asked him, scared of the answer. You knew how Derek and Isaac could loose their tempers and do stuff they would both regret. "I don't know. He said that because Cora is there and that there is no room for me anymore" Isaac explains. "And then there's Scott who is hiding something, I know he is, I can smell it on him." You both sat down on your bed. "What do you think he is hiding?" you asked Isaac. "I don't know, but it's something important that I should know about." He turned to you and looked straight into your eyes. "Can you promise me something?" he asked you. You were confused but went along with it. "Of course." "Promise me that no matter what, we will never keep anything from each other." You could tell by the concentration in his facial features that he was serious. "I promise," you said. You looked down at your hands and started to get nervous. "What's wrong?" he asked you. "There's something we need to talk about," you said, still looking down. "Ok then, what is it?" he asked you. "I'm a werewolf hunter," you say. "You're a what?" he asked you. "I'm a werewolf hunter." You looked into his eyes, to see if you could tell what he was thinking. He looked surprised. "When? How long?" he asked you, trying to wrap his head around what you just confessed. "Well not long, a few weeks maybe. My Dad gave me a bow and arrow to start learning how to shoot, and I have been out with them a couple of times, but nothing major. I have never killed one. I would never kill one," you told him, emphasizing on the never. You wanted him to know that you would never kill any of his friends. "So?" you asked him, wanting to know what he thought. "Ok, I guess" he told you but you were still unsure. "Really?" "Yeah, I mean, it will probably take me time before I can wrap my head around it but I guess that's okay," he told you. You hugged him. "Thank you," you said. "For what?" he asked, returning the hug. "Understanding," you told him, kissing him.

AN: I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update. I have one ready to put up next Sunday for Mother's Day. Also, I'm sorry this one is a bit shit and Liam isn't in it, I wrote it about a year ago and I was a terrible writer then. I've tried to improve bits but it's still not that great. I promise the next update will be better. Have a good day and thanks for reading xoxo

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