#19 What You Love About Him

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Scott: You love how he will do anything for the people he loves. He doesn't care if he gets hurt, as long as the people around him are safe. Even though you wish he didn't have to, you are thankful that you have someone that would do anything for you.

Stiles: You love how whatever the situation, Stiles can make you laugh. Whenever you are around Stiles he is always telling jokes or making comments that make you laugh. You could be having the day from hell and as soon as you see Stiles, he makes you smile.

Derek: You love that even though Derek doesn't speak his feelings much he always shows you. Derek doesn't need to tell you how he feels because the way he acts around you or with you means so much more. He is always caring and will protect you with his life.

Isaac: You love how shy he is around others but confident around you. You love how you are one of the very few people that he opens up to about his past and how he feels. He doesn't hide things from you and can tell you anything and everything and you love him for that.

Liam: You love how sweet and gentle he is with you and how he knows exactly how to comfort you. Even when he isn't in the best of moods himself, he will always be there for you. Whenever you are feeling down he will be over, doing what he can to cheer you up. You like how oblivious he is to how much he means to you and how he puts you before himself, even when you tell him not to.

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