Liam Catch Up #5, #6, #7 & #8

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#5. You Wear His Clothes: Liam owns a lot of sweaters and he always lets you have them to sleep in or gives them to you whenever you are cold.

#6. You're His Anchor During a Full Moon: Full moons were always tough for Liam. Especially as he was kind of new to the whole werewolf thing. He was getting better at controlling himself though. You had no idea what he was doing to calm himself down but it seemed to be working. Usually Liam would stay with Scott and Stiles during the full moon but they were out of town for a couple of days so you planned on being with Liam instead. "You don't need to be here, what if you get hurt? You should go home," Liam pressed. Liam wasn't happy about your decision to 'babysit' him, as he put it. "I know you won't hurt me, I trust you, I know you can control it," you argued. Liam let out a sigh of annoyance. "You should probably get the chains, they are in the basement," Liam told you. "I'm not chaining you up," you said. "You have to, I won't be able to hurt you that way," he complained. "No, I'm not chaining you up," you repeated. "Now, help me with my homework," you smirked. He smiled at you and you got your schoolbooks out of your bag. After a couple of hours of doing homework and watching TV you noticed Liam starting to ball his fists. "Are you okay?" you asked him. "I'm fine," he said, through his teeth. "No, you're not, your hands are bleeding," you said, noticing the small drops of blood dripping from his palms. You placed your hands on top of his but he pushed them away. "Don't," he warned you. "Just tell me what I can do to help," you pleaded. "Talk to me," he said. "I don't know what to say," you said. You moved one hand so that it was covering Liam's and the other so it was caressing his cheek. "Anything, it'll work," Liam said. "What do you mean?" "It was Allison for Scott, anger for Derek," Liam said, his words sounding rushed. "Liam, what are you talking about?" you questioned, not understanding what he was trying to say. "Their anchors, Scott says it's what stops you from turning, keeps you human," he explained. You felt his fist tightening under yours. "And I'm yours?" you asked. "Yes, I think so," he admitted. "I love you, so much," you told him. You had never told him that. You were scared because you didn't know whether he would say it back, but you couldn't help saying it in that moment. "You do?" "More than anything," you told him. "I, I love you too," he said. You let out a breath you hadn't realised you were holding in and felt the muscles in his hands start to relax. "Are you okay?" you asked. "I am now," he said. You stayed with him all night, just talking, and keeping his mind off the full moon. You were his anchor, and you would happily stay up with him all day and night just to make sure he was okay.

#7. What You Do On Dates: You and Liam go on dates a lot. You don't really mind where you go. You enjoy the dates where it's just the two of you, with no one else around. Sometimes you go to the movies or to dinner, sometimes go to the park and walk around all night.

#8. Watching Horror Movies: You both love watching horror movies but hate jump scares. You like to have horror movie marathons, with popcorn and huddled under the duvet. Whenever you get scared you pull the duvet up over your face and Liam hugs you a little tighter. Mainly to comfort you, but also because he was scared too. 

AN: Sorry it's so short, I feel bad for not updating for a while. #3 will be up soon, I'm struggling with it, so please send me some ideas. 

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