Liam Catch Up #3 & #16

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#3. You Get Hurt In A Fight

You were lying in bed with Liam. It was around three in the morning. Your bodies were tangled together. Your sleep was interrupted by the sound of Liam's phone ringing. After two missed calls, you spoke. "Answer it," you told Liam. "It'll just be Scott, he can wait," he said, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. "It may be important," you told him. He groaned before rolling over and picking up the phone from the bedside table. "Hello?" Liam asked sounding annoyed. You turned yourself to face him and watched him as he sat up, a concerned expression on his face. "What do you mean?" Liam said into the phone. "Stiles? Where are you? Don't-" Liam stopped, and threw his phone down on the bed. "What's going on?" you asked. "He hung up," Liam said. "Is everything okay?" you asked. You sat up and shuffled closer to Liam. You put your head on his shoulder. "I've gotta go," he said. He climbed out of bed and started to change. "Where are you going? What's wrong? Is Stiles okay?" you asked. Your voice sounded rushed, you had no idea what was going on. "I don't know, but something isn't right. I think they have Scott. I have to go and help," he explained. You got out of the bed and started to put your clothes on. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I'm coming with you," you told him. "No, stay here. It's too dangerous, we don't know what's going to happen," Liam warned. "I'm coming with you. Like you said, we don't know what is happening so how do you know that something bad is going to happen?" you fought back. "Because something bad always happens and I don't want to risk that something bad being you getting hurt," he said. "Look, we're wasting time. I'm coming. You can lecture me later." You grabbed your jacket and your phone from where they had been thrown on the floor and walked out of the bedroom door. Liam followed you through the house and out of the door. On the way Liam rang Stiles and he explained that Scott was at the school and that he was on his way there too. Malia was with Stiles and no one had heard from Lydia. You got the school and you followed Liam to the boys changing rooms. "Scott?" Liam called out. "In here," you heard a voice call. It sounded like Scott but something was off. You looked at Liam and you could see the worry and panic in his eyes. "Do not leave my side," he said. You grabbed a hold of his hand and walked into the changing rooms. It didn't take you long to spot Scott sitting on the bench. He looked like Scott but the way he held himself and his body language was all wrong. "Scott?" Liam asked cautiously. No answer. Instead he stared straight at you, avoiding Liam's gaze. You started to worry. Whoever this was it was not Scott. "Scott?" you heard another voice call. It was Stiles. "We're in here," you shouted back. A few seconds later Stiles and Malia burst through the door. "I don't know what's wrong with him. He's said two words and he's just staring at y/n," Liam explained. "Scott? It's Stiles, can you tell us what's going on?" Stiles tried. "They're coming," Scott said. "Who's coming? Why?" Malia asked. "They're coming for her," he replied, looking at you. "Coming for who?" Stiles asked. "Y/n," Scott confirmed. "Why? She hasn't done anything, she isn't a part of this," Liam shouted. "Nobody knows what is going on Liam, just try and stay calm," Stiles said. "So what? Is he, like, possessed?"  Malia asked. "Honestly, I don't know what he is," Stiles said. "Something has got to him though," he continued. Without any warning Scott shot up and started running towards you and Liam from across the changing rooms, pushing Stiles out of the way to get to you. "Hey," Stiles shouted. Scott stopped suddenly and turned to face Stiles. You watched as Scott headed for Stiles. Liam ran over to him and started to try and fight him off. Malia had also started trying to fight. "Run, both of you need to get out of here, NOW" Liam shouted at you and Stiles. You could see that Stiles was hesitant to leave Malia but you both knew that you had no choice. You grabbed Stiles' arm. "Come on, we need to run," you told him. Stiles followed you as you ran through corridors. You were nearly out. "Stop," you said. You held your arm out to stop Stiles. "There's someone there," you whispered. "We have to hide," Stiles said. You looked around for somewhere you could hide. The footsteps got closer. "There's nowhere to go," you complained. Lockers and what seemed like a never-ending corridor going back the way you came surrounded you. If you ran, whoever was around the corner would no doubt hear you and you couldn't try to sneak past. "What are we going to do?" you asked. "We'll have to try and run. It's all we can do," Stiles said. "Ready?" he asked. You nodded. With that, you both started to sprint back up the corridor. You looked behind you to see someone following you. "They're getting closer," you said. You got to the end of the corridor; the person behind you getting dangerously close. You both ran into one of the classrooms and pressed your backs against the door. There was pounding on the door. This guy was much stronger than both of you. "What are we meant to do?" you asked Stiles. "Honestly, I have no idea," Stiles admitted. As he finished speaking you were both pushed onto the floor as the door swung open. You looked at the man who had been following you. He was tall, very tall. He was wearing black clothing and was most definitely a werewolf. He walked closer to where you were laying. He grabbed you by the arms and threw you into the wall. "Hey!" Stiles shouted. You hit your head on the wall, hard. You felt your head with your hand and felt a warm, sticky substance. You looked around to find Stiles but when you sat up you couldn't see anything. Everything was blurry, you could barley make out the chair in front of you. After a few seconds your vision slowly came back. You looked to the left and saw Stiles being held up against the wall by a fist while the other one was getting ready to punch Stiles in the face. You heard someone running and your head snapped to the door when you heard the sound of growling. The much bigger werewolf that had a hold of Stiles released his grip from Stiles' shirt and turned to face Liam, standing at the door. Stiles fell to the floor and you immediately got up when you saw the larger werewolf jump towards Liam. "Liam. No!" you shouted. You could only watch as Liam tried to fight off the creature in front of him. You heard another growl from the door and saw Malia who also started to help Liam fight off this much stronger werewolf. You found your way to Stiles to make sure he was okay. You led him to the corner of the room which was safe from the fight. As much as you wanted to help Liam you could feel yourself going pale and you felt dizzy. You could still feel the wetness of the blood on your head. The room was spinning, you couldn't see straight and you felt your legs begin to loose balance. There was a scream and you heard the sound of glass smashing, but before you could turn to see what happened and who got hurt you fell to the ground, resulting in another hit to the head. "Y'n!" Liam shouted. You think you heard the sound of someone falling beside you but you couldn't tell because of the ringing in your ears. Liam put his hand to your face, confirming your suspicions. Liam held your head and you winced at the contact. Liam spotted the injury and immediately removed his hand from your head. "Liam," you called. "I'm here. You're okay, you're going to be okay," he told you. "Stay," you said. He kissed your forehead and held you. "I'd never leave you."

#16. You're A Hunter

You and Liam told each other everything. Well, almost everything. You still had one big secret that you had been keeping quiet. You were a werewolf hunter. It was a family thing and your Dad was persistent that you were apart of it. In fact you hated it. You only went every so often to keep your Dad happy. You wanted to tell Liam, you just didn't know how he would react. You knew how angry he used to get and you knew what stupid things he would do. Your Dad had persuaded you to go hunting with him. You hadn't been in a few months because of Liam but you thought that if you went this one time it would get your Dad off your back. "We won't be long, we just need to put a few traps down," your Dad told you, noticing your bad mood. "Right, I'm going to go and check the old traps, you can sulk here for a bit, and put this down," he said, passing you what looked like some sort of wire. You watched him walk away until he was out of view. You went over to a tree that stood alone. You sat down on the floor and started to try and make sense of what you had been given. After a few minutes you heard someone. You looked behind you and saw Liam. You panicked and moved to hide behind the tree but it was too late. "Y/n?" you heard Liam call. You poked your around the tree and met his gaze. "Hi," you said. "Are you okay? I thought you said you were with family?" Liam questioned you. "I am, my Dad has just gone somewhere," you told him. "What's that?" he said, nodding to the wire you were holding in your hands. "Um, nothing," you lied. "Y/n, I know when you're lying. You're acting strange," he said, moving closer to you. "Just tell me what's going on." You stood up and started to walk away. "I need to go and find my Dad, I'll talk to you later, yeah?" you said. "Y/n, wait," he followed you and put his hand on your shoulder to stop you. You turned to face him. "I can hear your heartbeat, it's going crazy. Just please tell me whatever you're trying to hide. I thought we didn't keep stuff from each other," he said. "I know, and we don't, but you will hate me," you explained. "I could never hate you, y/n. I love you, I just want to know what's going on so I can help you," he said. Liam was always so sweet, and you didn't want to hurt him. "Please," he begged, taking a hold of your hands. You looked him in the eyes. "Werewolf hunters," you said quickly so that you wouldn't change your mind. "What are you talking about?" he asked you. "My family. They're werewolf hunters. They have been for years," you told him. "Wait, your family hunt werewolves? And what, kill them?" he asked. "No, I don't know. I haven't asked. I'm not really involved much; I just tag along every now and then to keep them happy. I don't agree with it. I promise, I would never hurt you like that," you assured him. Liam let go of your hands. "Please Liam, you have to understand that this was not my choice. I have tried to talk them out of this, but I guess it is some family thing that they can't let go of. I would hate myself if something happened to you or any of the pack, that's why I have been trying to convince my Dad to stop," you tried to explain to him. "Do they know?" he asked. "Know what?" "About me?" he said, taking a step back. But you stepped towards him, closing the gap again. "No! Of course not," you said. "Is this some sort of trap then? To try and get me, so you can kill me?" he said, sounding very angry. "No! I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you, why can't you see that?" you cried. "I'm sorry. I just, this is so confusing," he said. "I know, I'm sorry," you apologised. "How long?" he asked. "I've known for about a year," you told him. "Please believe me when I say that I love you and I never wanted to hurt you," you said. "I believe you," he said quietly. You hugged him tightly. "Please let's not keep anything else from each other," he said. "Agreed," you said honestly.

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