#11 You Get Hurt in a Fight (Derek and Isaac)

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Derek: "Derek, please don't, you'll get killed." You were nearly on your hands and knees begging him. Derek was going to meet with the alpha pack. "It will be fine, we can take them" Derek told you. "No you can't" by this point you were shouting at him. "They're alpha's Derek, they have twins that turn into a giant werewolf and you only have Scott and Isaac". You let out a deep breath. Derek looked at Derek. "I'm still going" he said turning around and walking to get his phone off the bed. You followed him. "Then I'm coming with you". You told him, folding your arms across your chest. "Yeah, right" he said almost laughing. You were serious, you weren't going to let Derek go out and get himself killed, werewolf or not, you didn't want him getting hurt. "I'm serious" you told him. He turned to face you and looked you straight in the eye. "You're not coming" he said to you. Derek continued getting ready to leave. You picked up your jacket and put it on. Derek turns around, he looked angry. "You're still not coming" he told you. "Look Derek, if you're going, I'm going". You shouted at him. "I don't want you getting hurt, just please, stay here?" You huffed, giving into him. He gave you a hug. "Be careful" you told him. He left the apartment. After a couple of seconds of pacing back and forth you couldn't help but run after him. "Derek, wait up" you called after him. He looked back and saw you running towards him. "I told you to stay in the house". He said through his teeth. "I know, but I can't help it, I'm not sitting there doing nothing". You told him. Derek gave in and held your hand as you walked to his car. You got to the woods where the pack were meeting with the alphas. In the car on the way Derek explained that you were to stay by his side at all times and if they alphas attacked to run to the car and leave. You hadn't fully agreed to that last part but you didn't want to fight with him. You walked through the woods and saw Scott and Isaac waiting for you. "Why is she here?" Isaac asked Derek. "Nice to see you too" you tell Isaac. "I didn't mean it like that. I never thought Derek would bring you here with all that's going on." He said. "I didn't really have a choice" Derek replied. Not long after the alpha pack showed up. They talked for a bit about, you didn't listen to their conversation, you were focusing on the alphas making sure they weren't planning something. You saw the twins getting angry, you didn't think they were going to keep calm for much longer. "Derek" you warned. "Derek, we should leave." You tried holding onto his arm to pull him away. He growled, you knew he wasn't going to walk away now. "y/n get to the car now". Derek growled through his teeth. "I'm not leaving." You said, and with that the twins merged into one, they ran forward targeting Isaac first. Scott ran over to Isaac and tried fighting them off. Ennis started running towards you and Derek, Derek pushed you towards the car. "RUN, NOW" he shouted at you. You listened to his instructions and ran to he car. You got to the car and started it up. You were stopped by the window being smashed and a hand grabbing onto yours. The door was opened and you were pulled out of the car. You were faced with Kali, she grabbed you by the hair and pushed you to the floor. "You didn't really think you could escape, did you?" She asked you laughing. "You were going to leave Derek all alone? What if something happened to him, would you really be able to live with yourself if he died and you ran away?" Kali stood on your leg, pushing down. Kali climbed on top of you and dragged the back of her claws against your neck. "It would be a shame if he lost you as well wouldn't it?"she laughed, pleased with the way she had you under her control. You didn't say anything, you lay there awaiting your painful death. "Get away from here". You heard Derek shout. He ran into Kali and she fell off you. You tried to get up to run but your leg hurt, it was broken. You cried out, helpless. Deucalion called Kali and she ran off before Derek could attack her again. "Are you okay?" He ran over to you. "What happened?" you heard Scott call, Scott and Isaac ran over. "It's my leg" you said in between sobs. The bone had been snapped out of place and needed pushing back. "This might hurt." Derek told you. Derek took your leg, you held onto his jacket. He popped the bone back together, you screamed out in pain. Derek picked you up off of the floor and put you in the back seat of the car. "I'm going to take her to the hospital" Derek told Scott and Isaac. "Okay, I'm going to call Stiles." Scott said. Isaac began walking away. "Hey Derek" Scott called. Derek turned around so he was facing Scott again. "She'll be okay, it wasn't your fault". Scott told him. Derek turned around and got into the car. Derek drove as fast as he could to the hospital. The drive was silent, Derek's hands gripped the steering wheel tight. Anger clear in his face. You got checked out by the doctor and had a cast put on your leg, you were given a bed for the night. "I'm sorry. I didn't want you getting hurt." Derek said to you from the side of your bed. "Stop blaming yourself, I was the one who decided to come with you." You told him. "I know, but if I had just listened to you and didn't go then none of this would've happened". He looked sad. "Derek, I don't care. I'm okay now." You lent up and kissed him. You could see Derek still felt guilty but you were tired and decided you would have that conversation when you woke up.

Isaac: You were sitting in bed doing homework. It was a Friday night and you wanted to get your homework done so you could spend the weekend with Isaac. You had the house to yourself. You heard footsteps downstairs, your thoughts went straight to Isaac, you thought maybe he was there surprising you. He was the only person who had a key other then your parents. "Isaac? Is that you?" you called, laughing to yourself. There was no reply. You started panicking. What if it wasn't Isaac? "Hello?" you called out again. Your door started to creek open. "Well isn't this cosy?" Kali spoke. Your jaw tensed. You didn't say anything. "Where's Isaac?" she asked slowly walking closer to your bed. "Get out" you spoke. With that Ethan and Aiden walked through the door, you tried to run past them, you knew it was a long shot but what else were you supposed to do? Aiden grabbed your hand and covered you mouth with his hand. Kali pulled out a needle from her pocket and jabbed it into your arm. A few seconds later you passed out. You woke up in a dark room, you were lying on a bed. You had a massive headache, probably from whatever Kali had injected in you. You walked over to the door and started banging on it. "Let me out" you shouted. Seconds later Ennis walked in. "What do you want with me?" you asked him. "It's not you we want". He told you. "What?" you were confused, if they didn't want you why were you here right now? "We want your boyfriend and his little wolf friends. And you're going to get them for us". He explained to you. "Whatever sick thing you want me to do, I'm not doing it." You told him. "Okay then, I guess we will just have to find him ourselves, but the consequences on his part will be much worse." He said to you. You didn't want to be the cause of Isaac getting hurt. He grabbed hold your hand and tied them behind your back. "Where are we going?" you asked trying to shake away from the hold he had on you. "You'll see" he replied. You were carried to the middle of the forest before being put down. Ennis still held a tight grip on you. After a couple of minutes of waiting Scott and Isaac showed up. Isaac's smile suddenly disappeared and anger was clear in his expression. "Isaac, nice of you to join us". Deucalion smiled. "You sent the text didn't you?" he asked them. What text? You thought. "Let her go" he shouted, changing the subject. "Oh we intend to give her back. But we want something in return." Deucalion explained. "What do you want?" Scott asked. "You." Deucalion replied. Isaac looked at Scott before looking back to you. "Let her go first." Isaac said. "You know that is not how it works." Kali smirked. "You let her go and I will come with you." Scott told them. Kali laughed. "Ennis. Show them what happened when they don't do what they are told." Kali said to Ennis. Ennis took a claw and scratched the side of your face. Isaac got mad and ran over to you to be stopped by Scott, pulling him back. "Don't Isaac, you'll make it worse." Scott told him. Scott turned to face Deucalion. "If you want me fine. But as soon as I am standing next to you, you let her go." Scott said. "Sounds like a plan" Deucalion replied. Scott walked over and stood in front of Deucalion. "Scott, you don't have to do this." You told him. "It's fine, go to Isaac." He said back. Ennis let go of you and you ran to Isaacs side. Before Isaac could try and help Scott they had already walked away. You hugged Isaac tight. "What's going to happen to Scott?" you asked him. "I don't know, but I'm going to call Stiles and talk to Derek, we'll get him back." You stood in silence. "If your cheek okay?" he asked you. "It hurts, but I'll be fine. I have a massive headache though so we should probably get going." You told him. Isaac carried you to the loft, where he was currently living, he placed you on his bed and got you some tablets, cleaned your cut and got a wet cloth to put on your head to help with your headache. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get involved like that." He told you. "I know, and it's not your fault. Thank you for coming to save me." You kissed him. "You should get some sleep, I'm going to talk to Derek." He told you. "Okay." You kissed him one more time before he left you to sleep.

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