#6 You're His Anchor During a Full Moon

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Sorry no Stiles in this one :(

Scott- It was the night of a full moon. Scott had told you to stay home so he didn't hurt you. You knew Scott wouldn't do anything to hurt you but there was no way he was letting you stay. Stiles had chained Scott up at Derek's place along with Isaac. You hated full moons, you hated that Scott would be in pain all night and that there was nothing you could do. You sat in your bedroom staring at your phone, you had text Stiles asking him if everything was ok, you hadn't had a reply in 5 minutes and you were starting to get worried. Just as you were about to call Stiles your phone started ringing. "Stiles, is everything okay? You weren't answering my text and I wa-" Stiles cut you off. "Calm down y/n. I need you to come to Derek's place" Stiles told you. You heard Scott screaming in the background, you figured mainly at Stiles for telling you to go there. "I'll be right there" you told him. You drove straight over to Derek's place ignoring every speed limit. Once you got to Derek's the first thing you saw was Stiles shouting at Scott. "Dude calm down!" Stiles screamed in Scott's face. Scott growled back. You rushed over to them as fast as you could. "Go away" Scott tried to stay as calm as possible which is extremely hard for him. "Scott I'm not leaving you, I want to help" you knelt down by where Scott was sitting. "I'm warning you" Scott threatened. You reached over and slowly placed your hand on Scott's face. When you looked into his eyes at first you saw anger, but it quickly turned into sadness. You stayed there with Scott until it was over, holding his hand. After everything had turned back to normal Scott turned to you. "Thank you" he said. "Anytime" you replied and you kissed his gently on the lips.

Derek- It was the night of the full moon. You were with Derek at the loft. Derek had learnt to control changing but that didn't mean it still couldn't happen. You liked to stay with Derek just in case, he told you, you were his anchor, what keeps him strong. There was one time where it was quite bad. He turned but not for long, you were with him that night. You helped calm him down. You sat with him the whole night telling him about your day, trying to bring him back to reality. This night was worse though. Stuff had been happening with Stiles, along with that he was trying to figure family things out with his mother and what happened the night of the fire. He was distracted and wasn't concentrating on the full moon. You went to get something to eat and when you went back the his place you couldn't see Derek. You found him in the other room with the door locked. "Derek open up" you shouted at him. "No I'm ok. You should go" he told you. You could tell he was out of breathe and in pain. "Derek I'm not leaving until you open the door" you shouted back hitting the door. Derek finally gave in and opened the lock. You went into the small space, he was pacing back and forth tugging at the roots in his hair. He had already transformed into a werewolf. "Derek?" you asked him. No reply. You went up to him and kissed him. "I'm here" you told him.

Isaac- It was the night of the full moon. Isaac hadn't been a werewolf for long so he wasn't used to full moons yet. You offered to stay with him. You heard Derek say something about an anchor, that they can help keep you sane. However many times you offered Isaac would keep saying no. In the end you gave him no choice, you wouldn't take no for an answer, you wanted to do what you could to help and hopefully what Derek said about the anchor was true. "Look Isaac, I know you don't want me there but Derek said-" you started. "It doesn't matter what Derek said, I don't want you there" he told you. "Well I'm staying whether you like it or not" you said putting your foot down. He just huffed and walked away. That night you stayed with him. When it first started happening Isaac was screaming. He was trying to break out of the chains you put him in to try and stop him from getting out. It worked for the first 20 or so minutes but then things got worse. Isaac had managed to get out of the chains and ran straight to the door, you ran after him as fast as you possibly good. Isaac had the advantage of being a werewolf which made him super fast which made it even harder for you to catch up. You saw him head into the woods. You were looking for ages before you finally found him curled up by a tree, almost in tears. You tapped him on the shoulder, making him jump and look up. "Isaac? Are you ok?" you asked him. He shook his head. It broke your heart to see him like this, so vulnerable. You pulled him in for a hug. "What made you stop?" you asked him. There was a long pause. "You" he simply replied.

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