Liam: #1, #2 & #4

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The next few chapters will be catch up chapters. I will be adding Liam in all the ones he isn't in so far as some people have been asking for it. I have skipped #3 because it is quite long and I haven't been able to finish it yet. I'm sorry for the very late update, but I hope you like this one. 

#1. How He Asks You Out: 

It's nearly the end of lunch, which means you will get to go home in a couple of hours and you couldn't be more relieved at the thought of going home. You're sitting on the floor at your locker, reading over some notes for your next class. Thankfully your locker is towards the back of the school so it's not that busy at lunch. Your reading was interrupted by, what seemed like, a quiet argument going on near you. When you looked up you saw Scott, Stiles and Liam. When they noticed you looked, Stiles waved and smiled. "Just go," Stiles told Liam, pushing him over to you. "Um, hi," Liam said. "Hi," you said back. Liam was silent for a few moments. "Sorry, I should go," Liam said. "No, it's okay, what did you want to say?" you asked him. "Well I was, um, wondering if maybe you wanted to go out sometime, with me?" Liam asked. At first you didn't answer. Did you hear him right? No boy had ever asked you out before. "You don't have to, I was just wonde-" he started saying. You cut him off before he could finish. "Yes, I will," you said. "Really?" "Yeah, it can't be that bad," you said and he started to nervously laugh. "I guess not. I'll text you," he said. "Okay." He smiled at you before walking back to Scott and Stiles. You watched as Stiles swung his arm around Liam. "See, it wasn't that hard?" you heard him say. "Is that why you never asked Lydia out?" You started smiling to yourself, and you didn't stop smiling all day.

#2. You Skip School

"Come on, just stay with me," Liam begged. "You know I can't, not today," you told him. All morning Liam had been trying to convince you to take a day off and stay with him. He was lying on your bed as you packed your bag with your notebook and pencils. "It's one day, you're not going to miss much," he said, sitting up from his position. "I have homework to hand in and I don't want to miss another art class. I already have so much to catch up on," you explained to him. Staying in bed all day sounded great but you had to put schoolwork first. There was plenty of time to do what Liam wanted after school. "Please, this is the only day where no wolf shit is going on and I want to make the most of it. With you." When you turned around to face Liam, he was close to you. He put his arms around your waist and started kissing you. "Please," he repeated. And how could you say no to him after that?

#4. He Comes Over to Your House

It was a Thursday night and with everything going on with the Dread Doctors, you didn't want to be by yourself and neither did Liam. As it was a school night your parents didn't want Liam staying over so you had planned to sneak him in. "Where are you?" you asked him over the phone. "I'm nearly there," he said. "This would be a lot easier if you didn't live in the middle of the woods and it wasn't late at night," he laughed. "Hey, that's not my fault, now hurry up," you huffed. You hung up the phone and went downstairs and into the kitchen, where your parents were. "I'm going to do homework, so I'll be in my room all night," you told them. "Okay, don't stay up too late," your Mom told you. You went back to your room and sat down on your bed. You picked up one of your schoolbooks as you waited for Liam. After a couple of minutes you heard a quiet knock at your bedroom window. You opened your window and he climbed in. The pale grey sweater he was wearing was covered in dirt and he had mud on his cheek. "What happened to you?" you asked him. "I fell in a hole," he said and you both started laughing. "Here," you said, picking up one of his t-shirts that you borrowed last time he was over. "Thanks." Liam changed his shirt and you both climbed into bed. After an hour of talking, you fell asleep with your head resting on his shoulder, hand in hand.

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