#20 Sleeping Together

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Scott: You and Scott rarely sleep without each other. You would stay at Scott's house sometimes and Scott would stay at your house sometimes. You would fall asleep wrapped up in each other. Scott would always wake up before you. To wake you up Scott would hover over you and press light kisses all over your face. He would save the longest kiss for your lips. You would open your eyes to see Scott above you smiling as your eyes fluttered open.

Stiles: You spent nearly all of your time at Stiles' house. You would fall asleep watching movies or talking. You'd wake up with your face pressed to his back, your arm would be wrapped around his side and he would hold your arm there with his hand. You kiss his back and sit up in bed. You'd lean over and rest your head on his shoulder. You'd whisper, 'good morning' to him and he would wake up and turn his body to you. He would try and get you to go back to sleep with him but you would always win.

Derek: You had pretty much moved into Derek's place. He didn't have a lot but it felt like home. Even though you had a double bed you would sleep, almost, on top of each other. Derek is always awake before you but doesn't like to wake you. When you wake up you are lying on his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you, You tilt your head to look at him. He has a small smile on his face, which makes you smile even more.

Isaac: Isaac is very sweet and affectionate. You and Isaac fall asleep facing each other; feet intertwined, but would wake up closer together, arm in arm, your face resting gently in the crock of his neck. You'd wake him by gently caressing his face. You'd lie in bed for half an hour before finally getting up, talking or lying in silence and just having the comfort of being with each other.

Liam: You and Liam fall asleep with Liam lying on his back and you on your side. Liam puts one arm under you and the other pulling you close to him. You rest your head on his chest and every now and then he kisses your head. Neither of you like waking up early so you sleep in as late as you can. When you wake up, you're lying on your back with Liam's arm around your waist, lying on his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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