#14 When You're Bored

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Sorry this one is a bit shit, I didn't have much time.So I have started adding Liam, so I hope you enjoy those. Also I have started a One Direction Preferences book, you can find it on my profile :D

Scott - When you are bored you and Scott like to go out to the woods and hang out. You take food and have a picnic in the park. You can either talk all night or sit in total silence but it is a good silence.

Stiles - When you and Stiles are bored you watch movies. You order food in and spend the day watching your favourite movies and you can always guarantee that you will end up watching Star Wars. Even though you're not the biggest fan you like to watch it because Stiles reaction to the movie never fail to make you laugh.

Derek - When you're bored you will go to Derek's place and hang out. Even though Derek isn't much of a talker he will always listen to you, even if you tell the most pointless stories. It will always end with the two of you making out on the bed.

Isaac - Whenever you are bored, you call Isaac. He always has something to talk about, even if it doesn't make that much sense to you. Sometimes you will go out with him and see a movie or sometimes you will just talk on the phone until early hours in the morning and you can no longer keep your eyes open.

Liam - You and Liam spend pretty much all of your time together so you rarely got bored. But the time that you were apart and you were bored you would just text him. You would text each other back and forth, talking about how much you hated school or how you missed each other even though you had seen each other a couple of hours ago.

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