#10 You're Afraid of Thunderstorms

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Okay, there may be a few typos in this, but I wanted to put something up. Please leave comments telling me what you think, I love hearing that you actually enjoy what I post :)

Stiles: You and Stiles were having a movie night, you had planned to go out to the theme park but it started raining. You were watching one of the Star Wars movies (Stiles suggestion). You were bored, Star Wars wasn't the type of movie you liked. You looked over at Stiles who even though he had seen it probably 100 times was very into the movie, he was gasping at all the twists. You were watching the movie and everything was fine, you were eating popcorn, and Stiles' arm was wrapped around your waist with your head on his chest. All of a sudden you heard a very loud roar of thunder, you jumped as soon as you heard it and pulled your legs up to your chest. You gripped tight onto Stiles' top as a flash of lightening struck, lighting up the blinds. You could feel Stiles' eyes on you as his grip around your waist tightened. “Are you ok?” he asked you. You nodded. “Are you sure? You don't seem ok.” You stayed still. “Don't you like thunder?” he asks you. You shake your head and hold him as another roar of thunder spreads across the room. Stiles reaches for the remote and turns up the volume, so the noise off the movie is over powering the thunder. “Is that better?” he asks you. You nod and look at him. “Thank you. I feel stupid”. You tell him. “Don't say that, it's not stupid”. He says back. You smile and pull your head up so your lips reach his. “I love you” you say to him. “I love you to” he replies. You spend the rest of the night in his arms watching movies with the volume extremely high so you can't hear the thunder. 

Scott: You and Scott had been together a while and you had recently moved in together. One night you were in bed and Scott was watching TV downstairs. You were lying in bed trying to sleep, but a thunderstorm just started. You were scared of thunderstorms, you always had been ever since you were a little girl. You hid under the covers in the bed in a ball. “I'm so tired” you heard Scott's voice coming from the hallway. “What are you doing under the covers?” Scott asks you. “Um, nothing” a roar of lightening went off and you let out a yelp. “Is that it?” Scott asks. “The thunder?” You poke your head out of the cover and look at Scott who is standing at the side of the bed. You nod, you were embarrassed. Scott took of his trousers and his top and climbed in bed next to you. You sat up so he could slip his arm under your neck and he put his other arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. He placed kisses all over your face and head. You smiled and felt better about the situation. You started kissing his chest but then you heard more thunder making you jump and grab his arms. You dug your nails into his arms. “Shh” he calms you down. “I'm sorry” you say to him. “Don't be sorry”. He pulls you on top of him, so you are lying on his chest. He grabs his headphones from the side of the bed and plugs them into his phone. Scott puts the headphones to your ears and plays the music, drowning the sound of the thunder. “Thanks” you whisper to him. “Any time” he says hugging you tight. He doesn't let you go all night, and you fall asleep listening to Scott's music. 

Isaac: You were lying in bed reading a book and a thunderstorm started. You have never liked storms ever since you were a little girl. You hurriedly climbed under the quilts and pulled them to your face. You were lying there for a good ten minutes before you gave in and reached for your phone. You dialled Isaac's number and didn't hesitate to press call. “Hello?” you heard Isaac calling through the phone. You paused and smiled at the sound of your boyfriends voice. “y/n is everything ok? Why are you calling at 12am?” he questions you. “Nothings wrong” you voice was shaky again. “You don't sound fine. Are you sure your ok?” he asks again. You don't think before answering. “No, I'm not. Do you think you could come over?” you ask nearly in tears as the thunder strikes again. “Yeah, I'll be right there”. You wait for Isaac to arrive. When he shows up you run straight to him and wrap your arms around him. “What's up?” he asks you. “I'm not to keen on thunderstorms, that's all”. You tell him. “Really?” he says. You stay stood by your bedroom door. “Well in that case we should probably do something to take your mind off it.” he starts to tell you. “Have you got something in mind?” You ask, sure you know the answer. He leans in closer to you and wraps his arms around your waist, picking you up off the floor. He starts to leave small kisses over your neck. “I might do”. He says grinning as he kisses you again.

Derek: You spent most of your nights at Dereks place. He told you it was so he could protect you at all times. You and Derek were asleep, Derek was holding you close, your feet tangled together. You woke to the sound of the rain on the roof. You have got to be kidding me, you thought. You tried going back to sleep but every time you got close there was a roar of thunder. You weren't the biggest fan of thunderstorms, you never had been. You didn't want to have a break down whilst Derek could wake up any minute so you decided to make a cup of coffee to help calm yourself down. You knew it would be hard, getting up without waking Derek, but somehow you managed to untangle yourself from him without disturbing his sleep. You make yourself a cup of coffee and sit down on the couch in Dereks incredibly small, one room apartment. At least it was a step up from the loft. You sat there for about thirty minutes trying to take your mind off of the thunderstorm happening outside. You tried reading, listening to music, you even tried drawing which you sucked at. Not long after Derek woke up. You could see his arm moving, trying to search for your presence in bed. “I'm over here” you tell him. He gets out of bed, just wearing his boxer shorts. “What are you doing, it's the middle of the night?” He asks. There is another roar of thunder and a flash of lightening, you flinch. “I couldn't sleep”. You tell him, honestly. “Is it the thunder?” He asks, you nod your head ashamed. You couldn't help that you were afraid, everyone is scared of something, this just happened to be your fear. Derek walks over to you and wraps you in a blanket. “So a werewolf you're fine with, but some thunder and lightening frightens you”. He lets out a small laugh. It was true what he was saying. “If you're going to mock me, I can always go home, all by myself” you say to him, knowing it will wind him up. “Haha” he says sarcastically. You use the blanket and cuddle into Derek. Maybe thunderstorms wouldn't be as terrifying any more.

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