#13 Texts to Each Other

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A/N: Hello, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. I am trying to write more. Leave a comment with what preferences you want because I'm running out of ideas and I would love to know what you guys would like to read. Thank you for being patient, enjoy :D


Scott- Are you home yet? I'm coming over xxxx

You- Yeah, just got in. See you soon, I love you xxxx

Scott- I love you too, I can't wait to see you xxxx

You- You saw me two hours ago in school, haha xxxx

Scott- I know but I miss you xxxx

You- Aww, stop texting me and hurry up xxxx


You- Hey xxx

Stiles- Y/n? Wtf, its 2am!!! Xxx

You- I know, but I can't sleep x

Stiles- Try counting sheep 

You- I've already tried, doesn't work. Come over?

Stiles- Urghhhhhh, okay, but only because I love you<3

You- Aww I love you too, see you soon xxxx <3


You- Where are you?

Derek- I'm at the loft with Stiles, why? Is everything okay?

You- Yeah, I just want to hang out?

Derek- What do you want to do? I don't know if I trust Stiles here alone, he will probably break something.

You- Well I have a few things in mind 

Derek- I'm on my way


Isaac- Hey babe, what do you want to do Saturday? Xx

You- Let's go see a movie; I haven't been to the cinema in ages. Xx

Isaac- Whatever you want. I'll pick you up at 6 

You- Thank you, I love you xx

Isaac- I love you too<3 Now leave me alone, your distracting me from my homework. :p

You- You love it really <3 xxx

Isaac- You drive me crazy<3

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