28 | Potter

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Idea by -EverlastingFanGirl-

Narcissa looked up at the building. A swinging sign read Barkley's Burrow for Berserk Babies. It seemed pretty old, with the paint starting to peel at some areas. She walked up to the door, which was out of place compared to everything around it. It was so new that she could still smell the white paint drying.

Narcissa was holding her son's hand. Draco was curious about what they were doing, so he went along and didn't throw a tantrum.

Turning the doorknob, a grumpy-looking lady behind the front desk greeted Narcissa. She raised an eyebrow at her.

"Name?" she asked.

"Narcissa Malfoy," she drawled. Narcissa looked down at her disinterestedly.

The lady almost shot out of her seat. She sat up straighter and smiled. "Mrs. Malfoy, what a pleasant surprise. Would you like to register your son for the daycare?"

Narcissa kept her face even. "Yes, I would."

"Great! Please sign this waiver after reading it. Then, fill out this form asking for your basic information. Let me know when you have finished."

As Narcissa was writing, there was a loud noise behind her, followed by a  baby screeching. The next thing she knew, Narcissa felt someone slam into her.

"Oomph!" a woman with red hair yelped.

Narcissa looked at the woman. She recognized her from Hogwarts. They had seen each other in school for a short time before Narcissa had graduated. It was none other than Lily Potter, holding her wailing son in her arms.

"I'm sorry, I was too busy trying to calm Harry down, and I wasn't watching where I was going," she babbled.

Harry calmed down out of curiosity and was watching an indifferent Draco. Lily looked up to see whom she had bumped into. Her eyes instantly narrowed when she saw who it was.

"It's fine. I can't blame a Muggle-born after all. They're all clumsy." Narcissa said.

The receptionist was about to interrupt and say something, but Narcissa sent her a death glare. That shut the woman up, and she didn't tell Narcissa to stop harassing Lily.

Lily snapped to her son, "Let's get out of here. I don't want to come to a daycare where the workers don't care that Muggle-borns are discriminated."

She added under her breath, "Blasted Death Eaters, walking around so freely."

Narcissa was the only one who heard the last part, and her heart skipped a beat. How did she know they were associated with the Dark Lord? Lily huffed and walked out, the door swinging behind her.

She decided to ignore what had just occurred and looked back at the receptionist. The lady wasn't looking very happy after losing a customer but still kept her mouth shut. After all, the Malfoys could ruin this small business within a day.

"You picked the right choice. Even if the Potters decided to ruin you, we could help with a generous donation. The Malfoys are way wealthier than those Muggle-loving rats," she sneered.

The lady chose to ignore that statement and instead put the signed papers in a folder. She looked up at Narcissa.

"Alright, the paperwork is all set. Our daycare closes at 10 pm so you can pick up your son at any time before that. See you soon, and have a great rest of your day."

Narcissa smiled tightly. "Great. I hope my son will be in good hands, or I'm going back on what I said earlier."

The receptionist visibly gulped. "Of course."

After a goodbye kiss to Draco, she walked out of the building.

It had been a long time since Narcissa had enjoyed time to herself. She decided to owl her old friend Giselle and go shopping in Diagon Alley with her.

Giselle replied rather quickly with an excited yes. Narcissa could always count on her to have a good time.

It was a hot summer day, so they decided to meet up at Fortescue's for ice cream to battle the heat. Narcissa ordered a strawberry ice cream with hot fudge drizzling down.

"Nothing like ice cream in the middle of August," Giselle stated. She took a deep bite into her waffle cone.

They chatted for a while under the shade before heading over to the clothing stores. In one of the more expensive boutiques, a beautiful dress was displayed. Narcissa wanted to wear the dress for her upcoming wedding anniversary. She walked into the boutique and was taken aback to see none other than Lily Potter there.

This time, she was alone without her son. Lily was walking in the direction of the dress Narcissa wanted, and there was only one. She hurried over, but when Lily noticed Narcissa coming, she snatched it up.

The younger woman grinned triumphantly and walked to the cashier. Narcissa was familiar with the owner of the boutique, but she wasn't there to help.

"Your total will be 150 galleons."

"Oh-um, I didn't bring that much money with me. I can go withdraw money from Gringotts. It will probably take twenty minutes at most."

"I, however, have brought enough on me. In fact, I can pay an extra 50 galleons if you sell me this dress. Tell Madame Clarissa it's from Mrs. Malfoy," Narcissa stepped up from behind her. She had watched the whole exchange.

The cashier turned to Potter. "I apologize, but I cannot refuse this offer. Mrs. Malfoy is a loyal customer of ours. If you want, I can reserve the dress for you if Madame Clarissa decides to make another one. It will take about a month."

Lily was livid. "No. I'll just find another dress somewhere else, who treats all customers fairly."

She headed for the exit, but not before Narcissa said, "How very unfortunate. Maybe shop in boutiques that are within your price range next time."

Her comment was left ignored, but Narcissa knew it had gotten to Lily. She handed over the 200 galleons and met back up with Giselle, who was waiting outside.

"What happened in there?"

"I might've done something to annoy Potter."

Giselle smirked. "Showing the Mudblood who's superior? I like the sound of that."

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