15 | Parkinson Winter Ball

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Narcissa entered a magnificently decorated ballroom with dangling crystal chandeliers and a very pompous Christmas tree in the middle. The tree was decorated with small expensive looking ornaments. Every now and then one of the jeweled ornaments buried in the branches would catch her eye as it glistened in the light. Toward the back of the room there was a food table of food revolutionary to Hogwarts': juicy roasted turkey the size of a toddler, a tall chocolate fountain in the shape of a candy cane, delicious looking soup, seasoned salad, cherry tarts, shortbread cookies in the shape of gingerbread men, and fish. There was more food but Narcissa didn't have a chance to have a better look at the rest of them because Giselle popped up behind her.

"Wonderful isn't it? This took the work of over 200 house elves," Giselle said.

"Yeah, this is better than the Yule Ball," Narcissa replied appreciatively.

"Thanks, it took a while to get everything. By the way, Merry Christmas!" Giselle replied.

"Merry Christmas to you too," Narcissa grinned back.

The two were forced to part as more and more people entered the ballroom, Giselle darting from guest to guest and striking up short conversations. It must've been a tiring process, there had to be about 150 people here. There were even Half-Bloods there, but they had promised they were Slytherins and hated Muggles with a passion.

Narcissa then saw the person she was both dreading and wanting to see, Lucius Malfoy. He looked handsome in his crisp white wizard's robes and his hair pulled back with a hint of a smirk on his face. Lucius had not yet noticed Narcissa, who was wearing a shimmery baby blue gown complemented by crystal heels (she always looked good in light blue, which was why she wore it so much). She had only put mascara because she was already extremely beautiful, especially now that she was significantly happier (but still not happy) than before. Narcissa decided it would be best to avoid the handsome blonde and instead stare from afar, but Lucius had other plans.

As soon as he caught her eye he made his way toward Narcissa. The two together turned a lot of heads; they were no doubt the most attractive people in the ballroom.

"Narcissa," Lucius said by ways of greeting.

Turning a faint shade of pink, Narcissa replied, "Lucius. Merry Christmas I suppose..."

"You suppose?"

"Oh, you know what I mean," Narcissa said, glaring at him.

Lucius chuckled, causing Narcissa's heart to skip a beat. Hearing him laugh was the best thing in the world...

"Merry Christmas to you too."

The pair launched into another awkward silence, Narcissa staring at Lucius and blushingly looking away while Lucius' eyes kept darting in her direction before determinedly looking at something else. Narcissa made an awkward hand gesture suggesting they go get food, which Lucius agreed to. As Narcissa was piling shortbread cookies on her plate, she was given the surprise of a lifetime.

"Hey Cissy, miss me?!!" Bellatrix whispered brightly in her ear. She was wearing a very mischievous expression Narcissa was all too familiar with.

"What is it, Bella?" Narcissa rolled her eyes, "Can't you go bother 'Dolph?"

Bellatrix reacted by pouting, "Aren't you happy to see your dear sister after months apart?"

"No," she replied, making her way to the chocolate covered strawberries now.

Lucius was politely talking to Regulus Black as he waited for Narcissa and Bellatrix to finish their conversation. Narcissa exchanged a knowing look with the Malfoy before being pestered by her sister again.

"They call this puppy love," Bellatrix sung.

Narcissa merely rolled her eyes again, although there was a very obvious shade of pink spread across her face.

Suddenly, Evan Rosier caught Narcissa's attention. She noticed her dear cousin leading Giselle to a less crowded area in the ballroom, although everyone already noticed what was going on so there was really no need. It was obvious Evan was about to ask Giselle to be his girlfriend in a whole room of influential people, which was very daring of him to do. The loud chatter had momentarily died down as everyone turned to watch the young man risk his reputation. Narcissa knew many people were thinking the same thing, which included this making for good gossip.

"Giselle Parkinson, you're a really sweet girl and you've made me smile a lot. I've been thinking about you a lot lately, and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" Evan Rosier asked in a confident voice.

Giselle looked pleasantly surprised, and beamed. "Of course!" she replied.

The whole room burst into applause and Evan looked startled, as if he had not noticed that everyone was staring at the two.

"That will soon be us," Lucius whispered in Narcissa's ear, so quietly she thought she imagined it. Narcissa blushed for what felt like the hundredth time in one day. Why did she keep finding herself in this position?

The party lasted well past midnight before the room started thinning out. Narcissa was one of the last ones to leave, wanting to say goodbye to Giselle.

"Well, see you at Hogwarts," Narcissa said.

"Yeah, see you."

"By the way, I got you a present while you were using the restroom when we were at Diagon Alley," Narcissa smiled. She used a summoning charm to bring a long, neatly wrapped box into her hands, and gave it to Giselle.

Giselle carefully unwrapped it, and gave a squeal. "Oh my gosh, it's the latest model of the Cleansweep! Thank you so much Narcissa, you know how much I wanted to try out for the Slytherin Quidditch team!"

"I should be the one thanking you. You got me through so much this year," Narcissa replied.

"Oh, I actually have a present for you, wait right here."

Giselle rushed out of the ballroom and returned with a box the size of a food tray.

"I noticed you really liked jewels, so I got you this, open it!" Giselle said.

Narcissa did as she was told and gasped. Inside was an assortment of beautiful jewelry, from emerald barrettes to diamond necklaces. She could already imagine all of the outfits these could pair with.

"Thank you so much, I can't wait to try them on!" Narcissa grinned.

"No problem," Giselle grinned back, "but I'm afraid you might have to get going now. Lucius seems to want to give you a present too..."

Giselle winked and walked away, and a flustered Narcissa turned around to see Lucius patiently waiting for her. He was holding a small box.

"I figured I should give my future wife a present," he said, handing her the carefully wrapped present.

Narcissa unwrapped it, and gave yet another gasp. Inside was the most beautiful charm bracelet she had ever seen, and there were already two charms strung on - an emerald snake and her Patronus.

"Wow, thank you Lucius, this is beautiful," she breathed. She took the bracelet out of the box and slipped it onto her wrist. It fit perfectly.

"I'm glad you like it. I'll be giving you a charm to put on the bracelet every year," Lucius said.

Narcissa merely smiled at him, which was enough to make Lucius' day, though she didn't know that.

"I also have a gift for you," Narcissa said, using the summoning charm once more.

She handed Lucius a small box similar to the one he had just given her. Malfoy curiously opened it, and looked delighted to see what was in front of him.

"I visited Fortunate Flora's shop, and she made this custom good luck charm for you. It will bring luck to you wherever you go," Narcissa explained.

Lucius was examining the tiny L which had jeweled snakes wrapped around it.

"Thank you, that's very thoughtful of you," Lucius smiled, slipping the charm in his pocket.

He promised himself he would never go anywhere without it.

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