20 | Family Meet-Up

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It had been a couple months since Lucius and Narcissa were wedded. Their parents wanted to have a formal family dinner to talk about how they were doing in marriage and to catch up, so here Narcissa was, shopping in Diagon Alley with Giselle to find a suitable dress. Giselle herself had her own plans with Evan Rosier so they had agreed to shop together.

"Look at this dress!" Giselle exclaimed, pointing at a beautiful light green summer dress.

"That's a stunning dress, you should definitely wear it," Narcissa said.

"Yeah, this dress really calls out to me. It will also match with the setting. Evan's taking me out on a picnic," Giselle explained.

Narcissa smirked, "Wow, romantic."

Giselle rolled her eyes, "At least it's not like your dates with Lucius. The two of you just go to expensive restaurants with high-quality wine in a setting of red roses and dim lights. You guys are still very young too."

"Whatever," Narcissa replied, although Giselle had a really good point. Lucius was very formal and rarely planned out picnic dates. In fact, the first time he had done that was a disaster and he avoided them as much as possible. She didn't really mind, she also preferred those kinds of dates.

Once Giselle paid for the dress, the two women ate a quick lunch in one of the many cafes before continuing their shopping trip. Giselle was looking for accessories as she waited for Narcissa to find the perfect outfit.

Finally, after three hours of searching, Narcissa stumbled upon a beautiful strapless blood-red dress. It was modest and perfect for the occasion.

"I think this is the one," Narcissa stated.

Giselle nodded her head in agreement, and Narcissa took the dress off the rack. The price was a whopping fifteen galleons, but it didn't matter. She was effortlessly rich thanks to being a pureblood. Once the dress was paid for, it was time for Giselle and Narcissa to part ways.

"Until next time," Giselle said. She and Narcissa hugged before walking away in opposite directions.

Once Narcissa got home, she started ordering the house elves to clean Malfoy Manor and prepare the dishes. The elder Malfoys and her parents wouldn't come for another five hours, but Narcissa wanted everything to be perfect. After all, the family meet-up was in their old home. Lucius himself had told the Ministry he would be leaving early, and they just accepted it. Just another benefit of being a Malfoy.


The doorbell rang.

"Oh, they're here!" Narcissa said.

She hurried to the door, Lucius following closely behind. Druella and Cygnus Black were standing outside. Her mother kissed both of her cheeks and her father hugged her.

"Hello Mother, hello Father," she greeted.

"Narcissa and Lucius, I am so glad to see the both of you!" Druella exclaimed.

"Same goes for you," Lucius replied, "Please make yourselves at home. We are still waiting for my parents."

Cygnus and Druella sat on a comfy couch as they waited for Lucius' parents to arrive. A couple minutes later, the doorbell rang again. Narcissa opened the door again, and she greeted Amelia and Abraxas Malfoy. Once everyone was settled in, they all walked into the dining room. Narcissa sat with her parents and Lucius sat with his. The house elves started carrying the dishes out of the kitchen.

Abraxas said, a little too casually, "So, will I be expecting grandchildren soon?"

Narcissa blushed, and Lucius quickly turned his head. Druella and Cygnus looked amused at the sudden tension.

"You will be, but not for another two or three years. I'm only 19, and Cissa is 18," Lucius reminded him.

"Just something to think about," Abraxas replied with a wink.

Lucius made eye contact with Narcissa, and she looked down at her food.

"Moving to a serious topic, Narcissa, you are aware of your husband's nocturnal activities, correct?" Abraxas asked.

"Yes," Narcissa replied. She knew he was talking about Lucius being a Death Eater.

"The Dark Lord wants to meet you, so you will be attending Friday night's meeting. I trust my son will give you more information," Abraxas said.

Narcissa confidently nodded, but Lucius could see right through her. He shot her a meaningful glance.

"Don't worry," he mouthed. Narcissa gave him a small smile. It was nice of Lucius to try and comfort her even though it wasn't working. She was to meet the man responsible for killing thousands of innocent people, and if she accidentally angered him, her family could end up dying as well.

"Abraxas, stop trying to scare poor Narcissa. This is a family meet-up," Amelia scolded.

She turned to Narcissa. "I love your dress, it suits you well."

"Thank you," Narcissa replied.

The group broke into smaller conversations. Druella, Cygnus, and Amelia were talking about something from the Daily Prophet. Abraxas was currently trying to apologize to Narcissa for making her feel uncomfortable, and Lucius was rolling his eyes at his father. Narcissa just smiled and said she didn't mind.

The meet-up lasted until 8pm before it was time to wrap up. Everyone besides Narcissa and Amelia had to attend the Death Eater meeting later on in the night. Once everyone left, Lucius looked at Narcissa.

"Last night, the Dark Lord expressed interest in you. I don't think he will ask you to be a Death Eater, but he might ask you to attend meetings like what my mother does. You don't have to worry, as long as you pay attention and agree with him, there isn't much to worry about. All of this will pay off," Lucius told her.

"I know I shouldn't worry since we're purebloods, but I can't help but do so," Narcissa replied.

"I won't lie to you, Narcissa. These meetings are not the most enjoyable, but we can't back out of this," Lucius said, "I will be there. If you get too nervous, just look at me. I'll try to comfort you."

"Again, thank you," Narcissa said. She pulled Lucius into a hug, and they stayed in the embrace for a very long time.


Once it hit 9:50pm, Lucius got ready to leave for the Death Eater meeting. Narcissa herself was about ready to go to bed.

"I'll see you later," Lucius sighed, putting on his Death Eater robes.

"Good night," Narcissa called.

Hey! So I am working on a book of one-shots as a Christmas thank you to everyone who supported me. If there is a specific Harry Potter ship you would like to see, please comment below. Thank you!

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