29 | Wedding Anniversary

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"Happy anniversary, love!"

Narcissa sat up groggily. She had spent a long time working on her gift the past week and barely finished it the previous night.

There were rose petals sprinkled all across the bed. Lucius handed her a bouquet of even more roses that was sprinkled with gold dust. Narcissa smiled and looked up at her husband. Mr. Malfoy had already dressed, sporting a crisp white suit and a jacket draping his shoulders. His platinum hair fanned out and was a clean comparison to his jaw, which was newly shaved. He smelled of expensive wine.

"This is a bouquet of the rarest roses the world has to offer. It is a symbol of my appreciation for being able to call you mine.

"Lucius..." Narcissa trailed. She quickly pulled him close to her and kissed him.

When they pulled away, Lucius smirked. "That's not all, love. We're going on a seven-day trip to Wizarding St. Lucia. Just the two of us."

"But what about D-" Narcissa began.

Her husband put his palm over her mouth. "Hush, I've taken care of everything. Just change into the new dress I bought you for this occasion. You'll love it."

Lucius helped Narcissa climb out of bed and led her to her closet. In the middle was a beautiful gold dress hanging on a mannequin. It was long and glittered brightly at the hem.

"Thank you, it's a beautiful dress," she told him.

"Not nearly as beautiful as the woman who will be wearing it," he replied cheekily.

She smiled. "Help me put it on, Lucius."

Her husband carefully took the dress off the mannequin as Narcissa changed out of her silk pajamas. He let Narcissa slip into it and helped her adjust the straps.

"Lovely," he admired as his wife turned around to show him.

He waited for Narcissa to do her long morning routine of washing her face, moisturizing, applying light makeup, brushing her hair, and a puff of rose perfume to top it off. Once she finished, they headed down the stairs with a breakfast fit for royalty already waiting for them. The couple enjoyed hot buttery biscuits, morning herbal tea, scrambled eggs, and fresh strawberries.

"Are you ready to leave?" Mister Malfoy asked when they finished eating.

"I haven't given your gift yet," Narcissa said, "Tilly, fetch my gift, please."

"At your service, Mistress Malfoy," the house-elf squeaked, disappearing with a pop,

Tilly reappeared holding a box and Wizard's Chess set on top of it. She handed it to Narcissa.

"I know you've been very busy at the Ministry and at...meetings. You have been very stressed, so I figured you could use a chess set since you love playing games requiring the mind so much. So, I decided to put my transfiguration skills to the test and turned this Wizard's chess set into our personal Malfoy family one. Open it and you will see what I mean."

The male Malfoy gently took the chess set from Narcissa's arms and opened it. He chuckled when he saw the chess pieces. Each piece represented a different wizard or witch, with the King being Lucius Malfoy and the Queen being Narcissa Malfoy. On the other side, the King and Queen were two princes — one being Draco and one being Rigel. The pawns were the Malfoy family's house-elves. The other chess pieces were tiny figurines of family members and close friends. Lucius picked up the Snape-bishop and laughed.

"So detailed. You've even got the hooked nose right."

"Don't call my nose hooked," the bishop snapped. Lucius dropped the chess piece in surprise.

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