1 | Augustus Rookwood

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Narcissa Black watched the Quidditch match unfold. Her boyfriend, Augustus Rookwood, was the Slytherin team's Seeker, and she watched as he flew around the pitch, trying to spot the Golden Snitch. She sighed, loving the way his hair moved with the light breeze that was washing over, and the way he slightly leaned forward in deep concentration. She loved the way his eyes were wide and alert and how his lips were in a determined line, but when he looked at her he gave her a special grin, which Narcissa returned with equal enthusiasm. But then her eyes widened when she saw what was about to happen.

Narcissa gasped and tried to scream out a warning, but it was too late. A Bludger was shooting toward the back of Augustus' head at full speed. A confused Augustus turned around just in time to see the damned thing fly straight at him.

Narcissa squeezed her eyes shut, but she was not able to block out the sickening crunch as Augustus' nose broke, and the following gasps of the audience.

"Well, looks like the Seeker's out cold. And would you look at that, Chelsea Abbott has caught the Snitch! Hufflepuff wins!" Yaxley announced into the microphone.

The Hufflepuffs were too nice to celebrate, knowing Slytherin had just lost their Seeker, but that didn't stop the groans in the Slytherin crowd, who had been expecting an easy win. Narcissa on the other hand, rushed to the infirmary, worried for her boyfriend.

"Augustus!" she cried, a little out of breath, leaning at the entrance of the infirmary for support.

She was shocked to see Lucius Malfoy, the boy that every girl in the school had a crush on, was in the middle of a heated argument with Augustus. Neither boy had noticed her.

She frowned, for she was sure Lucius had just been on the Quidditch pitch moments before. After all, he was Slytherin's captain.

"...behavior will not be tolerated. I saw you staring at that girl, if you had paid attention to the match, we would've won, and you wouldn't be here with a broken nose," Lucius drawled.

"Don't you dare bring Narcissa into this! You don't understand because you don't love anyone, heartless bitch!" she heard Augustus yell.

Narcissa cringed at the foul language. When Augustus knew Narcissa was there, he'd never curse like that.

"Are you questioning me? I think you have forgotten I can have you off the team in the blink of an eye," Lucius sneered.

At this point, Narcissa decided it would be best to interfere.

"Ahem," she muttered awkwardly.

Instantly, both men's heads snapped in her direction. Lucius' face was emotionless as usual, not giving hints to what he was thinking while Augustus was looking very guilty.

"Narcissa," he muttered, smiling at her, trying not to wince in pain, as he didn't want to upset her.

"Augustus!" she rushed over, "I am so sorry! Are you hurt?" she asked, wrapping her arms around Augustus, face buried in his chest, completely forgetting about what had happened moments before.

She felt relief flood through her when she heard Augustus murmur into her ear, "I'm fine sweetheart, and please don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault."

Narcissa felt the cold eyes of Lucius Malfoy watching her, so she turned around. Malfoy's eyes were narrowed and he was staring straight at her, and she got the feeling that she was inferior to him. She glared at him when he continued to stare at her for a little too long for it to be normal. Suddenly, Malfoy blinked and looked away.

"I'll be going, I expect better performance from you next time, Rookwood," he said coolly before heading toward the door.

"Lucius Malfoy sure is one strange man," Narcissa commented as soon as he left.

Augustus shrugged, "I guess you could say that. Really, I don't understand how literally every girl in school likes that man. He is cold, distant, and has no heart."

"Well, I don't like him," Narcissa reminded him.

Augustus chuckled, looking at Narcissa with adoration.

"Come here," he said, pulling Narcissa closer to him, wrapping her in a tight hug.

In truth, Augustus was very glad Narcissa didn't find Lucius Malfoy to be appealing. She was easily the most beautiful and admired girl in Hogwarts, and knowing that she found the great, perfect Lucius Malfoy to be nothing of worth greatly comforted him.

He was glad there was something the arrogant man didn't have that he had, because it seemed as if the smug blonde managed to outrun Augustus in everything else. He was the Quidditch captain, Head Boy, got the highest possible scores in his O.W.L.s and most likely would in N.E.W.T.s, was a teacher's pet, and had every single girl besides Narcissa wrapped around his finger.

The only person who could possibly outrun Lucius was Narcissa herself. She also had all the boys wanting to date her, was as beautiful as Lucius was handsome, aced her O.W.Ls, and was a Prefect. No doubt when Narcissa reached her seventh year, she would ace her N.E.W.Ts and become Head Girl. They were so similar, other than the personality difference.

Augustus swallowed back a sneer when he realized Narcissa and Lucius would make a perfect couple. Narcissa glanced up at him, sensing his anger.

"Gus, is something bothering you?" she asked uncertainly.

Augustus guiltily glanced down at his girlfriend, not meaning to make her upset.

"Everything is fine, I had just gotten lost in my own thoughts. Sorry, dear," he apologized.

"It's okay," she replied, visibly happier that she had not been the cause of his distress.

Madame Pomfrey suddenly came walking in the room, as she had previously been busy with some errands.

"Apologies dear, but visiting hours are over. You must retire to your own dorm," she said, "the patient needs to rest."

Narcissa reluctantly got out of the bed. "When will he be released?" she asked.

"By tomorrow morning," the nurse promised.

Narcissa beamed, and blew Augustus a good-night kiss.

She then happily skipped to her dorm, only to collide into the hard chest of Lucius Malfoy as she turned the corner to the dungeons.

"Sorry," she muttered.

"Watch where you're going, girl," Malfoy replied.

Narcissa narrowed her eyes. "Excuse me, but I already apologized," she glowered.

"That's not enough."

"Then, what do you want me to do? Buy you a new broomstick for bumping into you?" Narcissa rolled her eyes.

She noticed that Lucius was doing his weird staring thing again.

"Didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to stare, Malfoy?" she said.

"Don't bring my parents into this," the blonde growled in a dangerously low tone, shoving Narcissa to the side while he walked away.

Narcissa stood there, confused with his reaction. She shrugged, and continued walking to the Slytherin Common Room. There was a group of girls playing "Date, Marry, Crucio," and Narcissa held back a scoff when she heard Eliana Selwyn say "Marry Lucius." Eliana was one of the 75% of girls who was jealous of Narcissa and fangirled over Lucius. Narcissa hurried into her dormitory, not wanting to deal with Eliana's rude attitude if she were to notice her.

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