30 | The Fall of the Dark Lord

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31 October 1981

Lucius was twenty-seven. Narcissa was one year his junior. Their son, Draco, was one year, one month, and twenty-six days old when it happened. And for someone so young, he was developing quickly. 

His mother was having a peaceful day. There was nothing out of the ordinary. It was ten in the evening and Narcissa had just set Draco to sleep. He had graduated from his crib and nursery room. Now, he resided in a much larger room with a king-sized bed. It was a funny sight—such a small body buried in blankets. Her son wanted to be just like his parents, which included a ban on high-chairs and cribs. He had abandoned crawling and wobbling, now running all over the manor. Every time a visitor came, they would gush over Draco and tell Narcissa how clever her son was.

Not too long after plopping down on the plush cushion of the sofa, her husband barged in, looking disheveled. It seemed he had been in a hurry to leave. The sight was unsettling.

"What's wrong, darling? Aren't you supposed to be on D-," she caught herself just in time, "duty?"

Even in the safety of their own home, they were afraid to say anything that may hint that Lucius was a Death Eater.

"The Dark Lord-" he glanced around and continued speaking, "has fallen. He tried to kill the Potters this evening, but he failed. He couldn't kill Harry Potter. The Dark Lord is dead."

Mr. Malfoy said more frantically, "Now listen here, my love. When it becomes big news tomorrow morning, I will be suspected of working for the Dark Lord. I was the Dark Lord's right-hand man— the closest out of anyone."

Narcissa felt hollow. She knew that if her husband got caught, he would be serving a life sentence in Azkaban. He would be forced to leave his family behind and she would never see him again.

All the dreams of expanding their wealth and influence were slowly dissipating. They were promised a world where Mudbloods and Half-Bloods were controlled by Purebloods. But it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

However, even with the dread of what was to come, Narcissa couldn't help but feel a tiny sliver of freedom. Every day for the past couple of years, she had suffered through every waking moment being fearful. She feared her husband would upset the Dark Lord in some way, and though she had never come face-to-face with He Who Must Not Be Named, she knew enough to know his wrath would be merciless and his heart cruel. The bigger part of Narcissa was worried for her husband and what was to become of their family. If Lucius was suspected, so would the rest of his family, ruining any chances of Draco having a future.

"Cissa, don't worry. All I need you to do right now is study the Imperius Curse. There should be plenty of books about it in our library. Study the effects it has on a person and how a person feels. Will you do that for me?"

"Of course, anything."

"We have many connections in the Ministry. I will slip the idea into the Minister's mind that I was under the Imperius Curse, and when they hold an official trial, you will be my witness. Fortunately, I donated to St. Mungo's the previous week. That should get me in the good graces of Minister Bagnold."

Lucius sighed and sat across from Narcissa. He snapped his fingers and Dobby arrived, placing a cup of warm tea on the tea table.

"Would Mistress like anything?" the house-elf squeaked.


The house-elf disappeared again.

"How about the boy's parents? Did they live?" she asked.

Lucius' face was solemn. "No."

Narcissa closed her eyes. Though she disliked Lily and James Potter, they still didn't deserve death. As a mother, she couldn't imagine what it would feel like knowing her son had no one to care for him. Orphaned at a year old. She remembered that just a few months ago she had met Harry and his mother at Barkley's Burrow for Berserk Babies. Perhaps Lucius was used to hearing about death, as he had dealt with it every day the Dark Lord was present. Perhaps, he didn't care too much about the deaths but more about their family's fate. Narcissa was grateful her husband had never given the details of the work he was involved in.

"How could someone so young destroy He Who Must Not Be Named?"

Narcissa wasn't expecting an answer, but her husband replied anyway.

"Many theories are going around... one of them being that Harry Potter is a Dark wizard even more powerful than the Dark Lord. I believe it. It's the only logical reason why he could've survived someone so dangerous."

"I hope that is not true..."

"You've never liked being part of this."


"Even if it meant a life we both want."

"The life I want is a peaceful one. I'm happy with what we've always had."

Lucius sipped his tea. Though he never admitted it, he regretted joining the Dark Lord too. It didn't feel great to be afraid of his leader.

"Lucius, I know you well," she affirmed, "But I do want to know. How are you truly feeling?"

Her husband hesitated. He looked around as if double-checking to make sure there wasn't anyone else there.

"I don't know how I feel... both frantic and free, I suppose."

Lucius got up from the sofa and sat next to Narcissa. He leaned his head against her shoulder and closed his eyes. They sat in that position in comfortable silence. Slowly, Mr. Malfoy started drifting off to sleep. Narcissa, on the other hand, stayed wide awake. She couldn't shake off the feeling that this might very well be the last time they were together.

Eyes still shut, Lucius Malfoy whispered in her ear, "Don't be afraid, my love. Whatever happens, I will come back to you and Draco. My family comes before anything."

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