5 | Malfoy Manor

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A couple weeks after the disastrous date, Narcissa found herself gaping at the huge house towering over her and the gardens surrounding it that made up Malfoy Manor. Just from standing outside the gates, she could make out green, healthy lawns, neatly trimmed hedges, a huge patio, stone dragon statues, house elves running in and out of a small door, and Quidditch rings.

The gates automatically opened for her family, and the huge wooden doors opened, revealing a smiling Abraxas and Amelia Malfoy.

"Cygnus, Druella. It has been a while," Lord Malfoy said.

"Abraxas, Amelia. Thank you for inviting us to spend the holidays," Lord Black replied.

"It is our pleasure. Now do come in, it is winter, you must be freezing," Amelia said, ushering the family in.

Cygnus and Abraxas headed off to the large collection of firewhiskeys while Amelia led Druella to the patio to gossip over tea. Honestly, they could put the annoying fifth year Rita Skeeter to shame. Now that the adults were out of the room, that led to four teenagers standing awkwardly in the front of the house. Bellatrix decided to break the silence.

"Lucy, how're you doing?" she asked in a sickly-sweet voice.

"I'm doing wonderful, Trixie," Lucius said in the same tone.

Bellatrix actually growled.

Narcissa rolled her eyes. "So where are we going to stay?" she asked.

"Follow me," Lucius replied.

He led the three sisters to a long hallway full of doors labeled with numbers.

"Andromeda will take Guest Room 1, Bellatrix will take Guest Room 2, and Narcissa will take Guest Room 3," Lucius informed them, gesturing to the labeled doors.

"Thank you," Andromeda said.

"You're welcome." With that Lucius left the girls to settle into their rooms and unpack.

Narcissa entered her room, which was the door toward the end of the hallway. She rolled her eyes at the sight in front of her. Everything screamed rich; the huge, glistening chandelier, heavy green curtains, a large four-poster bed with clean, silk sheets, a walk-in closet, and a personal  bathroom. She couldn't have expected anything less, now could she? 

Narcissa unpacked her suitcase and walked over to sit by the windowsill. She contemplated what she should do to pass the lovely afternoon, and settled on reading one of the many books she had brought over to pass the time. Her afternoon came by fairly slowly and uninterrupted, at least until she started to hear some kind of whistling sound coming from outside the window. She peered out and saw a sweating Lucius Malfoy flying around on his broomstick, just like he would at school. The height he was at was level to her window, and the whistling sound she had heard was him whizzing by at full speed. She sighed and continued to read, but now that she had been made aware of the sound, it seemed louder than it actually was. Narcissa decided to put down her book, and instead went to check on her sister Andromeda.

"Hey Andi, how're you holding up?" Narcissa asked, barging into Andromeda's room.

"I'm doing fine, Cissy. A little bored, but I'm used to it," Andromeda replied, not looking up from writing what seemed to be a letter.

"Is that a letter? Who're you sending it to?" Narcissa asked.

Andromeda's head suddenly snapped up. "Must you be so nosy Cissy? If you absolutely have to know, I'm writing to a friend."

"You don't have any friends. You hate everyone in your House."

"Just please leave it alone," Andromeda begged.

"Fine..." Narcissa said. She walked out of her sister's room, and back to her own. 

The parents were still chatting, Andromeda was being secretive, and Bellatrix probably managed to find a way to escape, and Narcissa couldn't finish her book. Just great, this was only day one.

Suddenly, there was a knock on Narcissa's door.

"Come in," she called out wearily.

"Miss Black." 

Narcissa flinched when she heard the voice of Abraxas Malfoy. It was deep and had a superior ring to it, much like her father's, except she could tell Abraxas was a far lot wiser than Cygnus.

"Lord Malfoy. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" 

"I just wanted to have a chat, Miss Black."

"A chat?" Narcissa asked. She wondered if this was what Lucius had warned her about.

"My son is a very guarded man, and he may be a little unreasonable or harsh at times, but just know that he will never raise his hand to you, and will treat you with the respect a Pureblood woman deserves," Abraxas began.

Seeing that Narcissa had processed every word he said, Abraxas continued. "My wife and I were hesitant when we first entered our marriage, as it was also arranged. But as time went by, we found ourselves falling deeply in love."

"What are you trying to tell me, Lord Malfoy?" Narcissa asked.

Abraxas sighed. "I heard about your...relationship with Rookwood, and I know you are highly uncomfortable with marrying my son. I can only imagine how distant he is; I acted the same way he does when I was a boy. I'm afraid that is a trait all Malfoys end up having; the unfortunate effects of how we are taught. Just know that your relationship with my son will get better over time."

"I thank you for your comforting Lord Malfoy, but like you said, it will take time."

"I understand, Miss Black," and with that, Abraxas left as suddenly as he had arrived.

Narcissa leaned back against the headboard. There was absolutely no way she would ever get along with Malfoy, but she wasn't going to tell his father that.

She then realized that Lord Malfoy had not asked her any questions about his son, and was not demanding toward her at all. From their brief encounter, it didn't seem like he was the type of person to do that. 

Lucius must've been lying, but why?  Narcissa thought.

There was a quiet knock on Narcissa's door, and she sat up. In walked Lucius Malfoy, in all his glory. Speak of the devil.

"Miss Black, what did my father tell you?" Malfoy Junior asked.

"He just told me that eventually we will get along, but I highly doubt that."

"Oh." Lucius looked immensely relieved.

"You warned me that your father would ask questions about you, but he didn't. Why did you lie to me, Lucius?" Narcissa asked.

Lucius looked up in surprise, as if he had forgotten about it.

"I just wanted to ask you on a date, as we were asked to get to know each other better," he said slowly.

"You could've just asked."

"You would've said no."

"You are so difficult, Malfoy."

Lucius chuckled, "You're calling me difficult? You haven't listened to yourself then."

"And here your father was saying you would treat me with respect."

Lucius chose not to answer to that, and instead sat next to Narcissa on the bed.

"Why're you being so...nice?" Narcissa demanded.

Lucius only raised an eyebrow. "Would you like me to be cruel?"

"No," she answered.

The two sat in silence with Narcissa looking at Lucius out of the corner of her eye and Lucius straight up staring back before she glared and looked away until they were called down for dinner.

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