3 | Breakups, Tears, and Marriage

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Raina, the large, brown owl that belonged to Narcissa, came swooping down with an envelope tied to her leg. Narcissa carefully untied it from Raina's leg, gave her a few treats, and put her in her cage.

She then opened the envelope, which she noticed had the Black family crest. That meant it was a letter from her parents. She was already dreading what was inside as she unfolded the piece of parchment. Anything from her parents were a bad sign.

My Dearest Narcissa,
Luck has come your way this year. You have been recognized by none other than Abraxas Malfoy, who has proposed that you marry his son, Lucius Malfoy. I couldn't decline such an offer, so I accepted. The wedding will take place as soon as you graduate Hogwarts, so that ensures you have a lot of time to get to know Lucius better. 
- Druella Black

Narcissa's jaw dropped. For a whole minute she just had her mouth opened in shock, not being able to process what her mother just wrote her. They've been together for more than a year and now she's just expected to split up? Augustus was the best thing that every happened to her, and she just has to give it up to marry that brat of a Malfoy? Tears threatened to fall down her cheeks, but Blacks never cried. She couldn't believe her mother would do this, especially since she knew Narcissa loved Augustus a lot! Narcissa and Augustus had talked about everything; their wedding day (they had decided to use Slytherin theme colors), children, honeymoon locations, etc. They had the perfect relationship, and everyone was jealous of them for being so happily in love, and her mother was going to take it away from her? 

At that moment, Narcissa hated Lucius above all people, including her mother. If he never existed, she would've been with Augustus. If only she let him die the previous night. As soon as the thought left her mind, Narcissa shook her head guiltily. No matter how much she hated Lucius at the time, letting someone die was just cruel. But she still couldn't stop the rising storm within her.

Narcissa stormed into the library, knowing Lucius liked to study there. As soon as she spotted him, her pace quickened and she actually gave a snarl. It's a wonder how she could go from on the verge of tears to ready to explode in just a couple minutes.

"You knew about this didn't you?" Narcissa hissed.

Lucius looked up at her. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't act foolish, you knew about the arrangement your father set up, didn't you?!" Narcissa seethed, trying to not raise her voice.

Lucius looked guilty. "Yes..."

"How long?"

"Since the beginning of the month."

Narcissa's eyes were now slits. For a whole month, he knew they were engaged. For a whole month, he watched her happily hug and kiss Augustus, while he knew they would have to split up.

"You have no idea how much I hate you right now," Narcissa told him, her voice low and unusually calm, which meant she was very angry.

She forgot about Lucius' ego until he replied just as calmly. "You should be feeling lucky. Hundreds of girls have asked my hand in marriage, even Mudbloods. And you are here acting ungrateful and go so far as to disrespect your future husband, from the great Malfoy line?"

Narcissa turned away from him, scared Lucius would see her cry. She took a deep breath, satisfied that she could at least hold back tears. She didn't know how she would be able to handle Lucius for the rest of her life with his attitude.

Narcissa turned back and glared at him. "This conversation is far from over, but as a loyal girlfriend would do, I am going to go inform Augustus. And I don't care how many people have wanted you, just know that I don't."

"We'll see about that, and I believe you meant ex-girlfriend; you're engaged to me now."

Narcissa gave him a glare so full of hatred Lucius actually frowned in fear before turning on her heel and stomping off to find Augustus. Truth be told, she didn't know how he would react to the news. She found Augustus in the Great Hall eating breakfast.

"Hey Cissa, oh- is something bothering you?" Augustus asked, noticing the frustrated expression.

"Gus, we need to talk. Alone," Narcissa whispered, still looking extremely frustrated.

Augustus frowned. Something was definitely bothering Narcissa. "Sure," he said, abandoning his meal.

The two headed out into an empty corridor.

"What is it Cissa?" Augustus asked.

"I just received a letter from my parents, and-" Narcissa's voice cracked, but she forced herself to continue, "they arranged a marriage with Lucius Malfoy for me."

Augustus' mouth hung open. He looked at Narcissa's frustrated face, and after knowing her for so long he knew she was trying her best not to cry. He let out a sigh. After her mother broke her, she still refused to show her pain, staying strong for him.

"Oh Cissa," he whispered, tears filling his eyes. His tears showed Narcissa it was okay to cry in the moment.

 He wrapped his strong arms around her, and his heart broke when he realized this could very well be the last time he would ever feel her small body against his chest. The broken couple stood there silently, tears falling and falling into the empty abyss that threatened to engulf them. Neither saw a blonde boy watching them, nor did they hear his retreating footsteps.

Augustus looked down at Narcissa. "Is there any way to get out of it?" he whispered, though he knew the answer already.

"No, once my mother makes up her mind, there is no going back," she confirmed, more tears cascading down her cheeks.

"C-could we meet in secret?" Augustus asked.

Narcissa's heart broke even more. After years of being under the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black for so long, she couldn't stoop so low as to cheat on Lucius, no matter how tempted she was. Cheating was something only Mudbloods did, and she could easily get disowned.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

Augustus hung is head in defeat. "How could your mother do this to you?"

"Gus, you know us Purebloods. We are manipulative people that do everything we can to raise our status. To be able to keep calling ourselves Purebloods and to keep feeling superior, we have built a hierarchy and rules to bring us closer to the top. You yourself are a Pureblood, you know why we can't be together. I'm sorry."

And with that, Narcissa walked away from Augustus, her head held high, and the tears nonexistent on her emotionless face, no sign of what she was feeling within.

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