13 | Hogsmeade

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Two months into school Narcissa was feeling sadder by the day. She just didn't know what she wanted anymore, with the feeling of betrayal with Augustus and a feeling she couldn't describe when she was with Lucius. All she wanted at this point was to go back to the old days where everything was so simple - just Augustus and her, knowing everyone in the school was jealous of them. Now that she lost her confidence and happiness, Eliana Sewlyn became the new girl everyone desired.

There was a difference in terms of looks between Eliana and Narcissa, and none of them was a good thing. Narcissa's long blonde hair no longer had its healthy color, and now paled as if to match her mood. Her once sparkling blue eyes also dulled considerably, and the only emotion you could see on her face was sadness. The rosy cheeks and coral pink lips were only a ghost of the past.

Eliana, on the other hand, seemed to have a huge glow-up (or just caked in lies). Her brown hair was so glossy to the point one would think she put lip-gloss in her shampoo, and Narcissa suspected she did. Her once plain brown eyes were exaggerated as best as could with dark eyeliner. She had put an extension charm on her eyelashes, and they now looked abnormally long. Her chest and bottom were charmed with some kind of spell. And those lips. Narcissa had no idea if she was trying to be edgy or what, but that dark red or black lipstick just didn't make the cut.

Narcissa couldn't see how Eliana of all people could become the school's most desired girl, because that was just a huge disappointment in her opinion.

I'm one to talk, I look as bad as she does, Narcissa thought bitterly.

Even Alecto was starting to distance herself from her and instead spent time with Eliana, thinking Narcissa wouldn't notice. At least Giselle stayed with her. Narcissa didn't understand why Giselle stayed with her though; all she did was radiate negativity.

"Ok, I've had enough," Narcissa looked up to see Giselle with a stern expression on her face.

"What?" Narcissa said, her quill still in her hand.

"You've got to stop moping around school. This is your last year, make something out of it. You're Head Girl and you've got top grades. Now it's time to have fun before we get pestered with even more NEWT preparations," Giselle said.

"And how do you suggest I do that? My heart is literally torn in two right now," she replied.

"By trying to live. You're coming to Hogsmeade this weekend, whether you like it or not. No more blankly staring at your textbook and forcing yourself to do Potions," Giselle told her firmly, "Honestly Narcissa, it's one month till Christmas. You've been moping around for a year. It's time you enjoy the fall spirit before it goes away."

"Alright, fine, I'll go," Narcissa sighed, knowing she wouldn't win this.

"That's what I want to hear. I've already invited Malfoy and Rosier," Giselle said, clasping her hands together.

"Hold up, you invited Lucius?" Narcissa asked.

Giselle raised an eyebrow, "Um, yeah? Ironically enough he's one of the only people I've seen make you laugh."

"Alright then..." Narcissa frowned.


"Sorry we're late!" Giselle called out to Lucius Malfoy and Evan Rosier.

They were waiting near the entrance of an unfamiliar shop, Giselle and Narcissa speed walking over to them.

"No big deal," Evan said brightly, "We should check out this new café, I heard they offer some really good fall themed food."

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