16 | Well... Maybe a Little

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Narcissa had about six months left of school to go through before she would be graduating. The teachers were getting more and more serious as they drew closer to N.E.W.Ts. However after being tutored by Lucius for a whole summer, Narcissa wasn't that concerned. She was positive she could get an Outstanding in Transfiguration, Charms, and DADA at the very least. Her other subjects, Herbology and Potions, would most likely get Exceeds Expectations, as she did go through a bunch of in-depth textbooks. So as other seventh year students spent all of their free time frantically flipping through half-heartedly written notes, Narcissa was sitting in her dorms reading biographies about famous wizards and their great adventures because she had nothing better to do.

She also attended the last Quidditch match of the season — it was Slytherin vs Gryffindor — and watched her House crush them yet again. It was too easy. Narcissa didn't really know the Slytherin team that well, as most of them were new. Evan, Lucius, and Augustus had left the team so now the majority of the team was comprised of fourth and fifth years with the exception of one skilled third year. She joined in the cheering of the Slytherin crowd as they realized they had won the Inter-House Quidditch Cup yet again. Huge green banners were being held up and a couple first years were making obnoxiously loud snake noises through a megaphone charmed to raise their voices thirty times louder.

That was the most exciting thing to happen in a while. Narcissa was always really quick with doing her homework, and still ended up with whole afternoons to spend while all the other students were studying. Barely anyone went to Hogsmeade trips. Oftentimes Narcissa would find herself sitting in front of the Great Lake and staring off into the distance as she thought about life.

That changed in May, when Lucius Malfoy somehow managed to get himself onto the Hogwarts  Board of Governors. It was obviously a clever plan made by Abraxas Malfoy to make sure Lucius kept an eye on Narcissa, and it worked. Lucius found many excuses to walk around the school, and very coincidentally bumped into Narcissa every single time, and decided to talk to her. 

However, it wasn't just Lucius Malfoy who was on the Board of Governors. Augustus Rookwood was also one of the governors for reasons unknown.

"Are you nervous for N.E.W.T exams?" Lucius asked Narcissa as they watched the Giant Squid play around in the water.

"Not really. I'm pretty confident I can get good grades, and it's not like I need N.E.W.Ts anyway. Malfoy wives don't work," she replied.

"You're just like me...while everyone is studying, you're just here relaxing."

Narcissa smirked, "I wouldn't say just like you. I'm actually good looking."

"Oh c'mon, you have to admit I'm pretty handsome. Why does almost every female want me?"

"Cause you just happen to be a rich Pureblood."

"Fair point," Lucius said. 

Out of the corner of his eye Lucius caught a flash of emerald. He looked down and noticed the charm bracelet he had given Narcissa peaking out of her sleeve.

"Hey look, you're wearing my charm bracelet!" he exclaimed.

"Yep. I've got to admit it's really pretty," Narcissa said.

"And I am still holding onto your good luck charm." Lucius showed Narcissa a necklace tucked under his robes. "I've turned it into a necklace so I can carry it with me at all times."

"Why, that's very sweet of you," Narcissa said with a genuine smile.

Lucius shrugged. The two launched into one of their silences, except this one was more peaceful than awkward. Narcissa rested her head on Lucius' shoulder as they continued to gaze at the Great Lake. It felt like such a normal gesture to do that none of them questioned it.

"Narcissa, I have a question. And I want you to be honest," Lucius said after a while.

"Ask away," Narcissa mumbled, stifling a yawn. She was about to fall asleep.

"Do you love me? It's been a little over a year now."

That stopped Narcissa from falling asleep. "Well, I think I might've gotten over Augustus. Why should I waste my time one someone who doesn't care about me anymore?" she said slowly.

"That doesn't really answer my question."

"Well...maybe a little," Narcissa answered, her cheeks tainted pink.

Lucius sighed, and brought his hand up to hold Narcissa's chin. He pulled her face alarmingly close to his own, and Narcissa gave a tiny gasp.

"That day when we kissed...why did you become so distant after that? Why did you pretend it never happened?"


"I was scared, Lucius. I flipped through an old scrapbook and saw old memories of Augustus and me having the time of our lives...and I was scared to lose all of that."

"The Augustus you knew isn't the same as this Augustus. I still remember that day when he had broken his nose from the Bludger. You might've noticed me staring at you. I was jealous, Narcissa. I was jealous you two were so deeply in love and obviously cared about each other. I was jealous Augustus got to have the prettiest girl in school. And it wasn't just because you were pretty. I've loved you for a very long time now."

Narcissa stared into Lucius' stormy grey eyes as he spoke, and though his face gave sign of no emotion, through those eyes she saw everything. There was only one sensible thing to do. Narcissa wrapped both of her arms around Lucius' neck and pulled him into a kiss as he slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. The kiss was very gentle and soft, lasting for no more then twenty seconds. When they pulled away, there would be no pretending this didn't happen. This had happened and they would remember.

Unfortunately the two didn't notice a very angry person watching them from afar. And his name was Augustus Rookwood.

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