2 | Injuries and Manners

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"Cissy, wake uppppp! I wanna show you something!" Narcissa was woken up to Bellatrix screaming in her ear.

"Ugh, what is it Bella?" Narcissa asked.

Bellatrix stuck her forearm in front of Narcissa's face, and she squinted. Her eyes widened when she saw a skull with a serpent writhing around in black ink, the mark that appeared on several editions of the Daily Prophet. The mark that had been headline news for the past weeks.

"Y-you're a Death Eater?" she exclaimed in horror.

"Shhhhh! Don't be so loud! But yeah!" Bellatrix replied, beaming.

"Bella, that's dangerous!" Narcissa hissed.

Bellatrix rolled her eyes. "I know what I'm doing, I can take care of myself. I have to go meet up with Roddie now, I just wanted to let you know. See ya Cissy!"

Bellatrix skipped off, leaving a disgruntled Narcissa behind. 

Narcissa sighed and got out of bed, knowing she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. She took a quick shower to start off the day. While brushing her teeth, Narcissa looked at herself and gasped in horror. Her hair was an utter mess. She picked up her emerald-studded hairbrush that her mother had given her as a Christmas present, and brushed through her long, blonde hair multiple times until it was tamed.

Satisfied with her appearance, Narcissa headed to the infirmary to check on Augustus. He was already awake and seemed to be expecting her. Madam Pomfrey was currently changing the bandages on his nose.

"Hey Cissa," Augustus smiled at her.

Narcissa smiled back, "Feeling better?"


"Well dear, you're free to go now. Be careful next time," Madam Pomfrey said.

"I will," Augustus replied, jumping out of the bed.

He gave Narcissa's shoulder a squeeze before picking her up bridal-style.

"Gus, put me down!" Narcissa squealed.

"Sorry, it gets boring without you around," Augustus smirked, not looking sorry at all.

Narcissa rolled her eyes, and the couple headed off to eat an early breakfast. The Great Hall was mostly empty, the Maurauders hunched over what looked like a map and a group of Ravenclaw first years playing Wizard's Chess. They headed to the Slytherin table, the students occupying it being Lucius, Rodolphus, and Bellatrix.

"Hey Cissa!" Rodolphus called over.

"Hey 'Dolph!" Narcissa replied.

She and Augustus sat with Bellatrix and Rodolphus, Lucius sitting alone at the end of the table. The quad chatted about multiple topics; Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Augustus complaining about their upcoming N.E.W.T exams. Narcissa could only watch with sympathy; she was one year younger and was taking them the following school year. Soon the Great Hall was full of bustling students, and Narcissa and Augustus decided to take a walk in the Hogwarts grounds before lessons had to start.

They just happened to venture onto the Quidditch field, and it was no surprise to see that Lucius Malfoy, who had already finished his breakfast, was practicing flying.

Augustus groaned. "I swear all that man does is practice and study. What a bore."

Narcissa nodded her head in agreement, although she didn't really see a problem with practicing and studying. After all, she was quite the bookworm herself. She didn't mention that to Augustus though, knowing he would be upset.

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