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Tampere was very different to Oulu, at least in Olivia's eyes. Not just because of masks obscuring the lower half of everyone's faces and the constant testing that made everyone gag like mad, but because everywhere she went that wasn't within distance of her roots immediately brought on a strange feeling to her bones.

The drive had been unnecessarily long in ear eyes, five hours on the road with no stops and her legs were cramping vert much. It had been snowing yet they weren't caught in traffic but they had noticed another bus following them and they concluded that this was another entry for UMK.

Both buses unloaded at the same time and the bands, both bassists in ignorant bliss, got off the bus, Olivia and Rodney jumping out of the bus and collapsing in the snow.

"Rodney come on! When did you get so heavy?"

"Says you with your double jointed foot up my ASS!"

"Well your ass shouldn't be in the way of my foot."

"We haven't been this close since the womb." Rodney groaned as the twins untangled themselves.

"Can't say I've missed it." Olivia countered as she picked up her purple and black bass from the underbelly of the bus. "My baby's all intact."

"You are a twenty three year old woman calling an inanimate object your baby." Marina flipped her drumsticks as the group walked towards the check in point with the other band behind them.

"And? Don't go insulting Chess when you know what she can do." Taylor rolled her eyes and grabbed Liv's forearm.

"Stop embarrassing us in front of the other entries." She hissed at the younger girl and harshly threw her arm down. Liv snatched it back and rubbed the red handprint that was faintly showing on her skin through her tattoo

"Is everything okay?" A guy from the other band with black hair approached the girls with slight worry.

"Oh everything's fine!"Taylor responded in a sickly sweet voice. She tended to get very short tempered with Olivia and Olivia only when they did concerts. "My friend was just being stupid."

"You sure?" The question was directed at Olivia who looked at the other band members who had stopped to observe the interaction. Her eyes caught that of a man with dark blonde hair and light stubble, his eyes growing wide for a second once they caught hers. 

Something stirred within her but she couldn't quite grasp what and why. Olivia found herself looking at his wrist and was strangely disappointed when she realised it was covered by a hoodie sleeve.

"Oh, um I'm fine! Just overly attached to my instrument." The eleven people now mingled as one big group, conveniently leaving Olli and Olivia at the back.

"So you a keen bass player?" He cringed at the question but figured it was better than 'how about this weather'.

"Yeah you could say that. I've been playing since I was about fourteen."

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