3-Runaway Baby

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The new combined band was quiet

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The new combined band was quiet.

Most likely because all of them were suffering from massive hangovers. Some sat with dark glasses over their eyes, others half asleep on the sofas.

Olivia and Rodney were the latter.

"Why didn't you tell me to not have that extra beer?" Rodney groaned, massaging her aching eyes. Liv let her head flop back but forgot there was no headrest on the sofa and swore at the jolt in her neck.

"I did. You told me to get the stick out of my ass."

"Well put it right back in because I am never touching alcohol again." They knew they should all be working to try and merge the songs and yet that was the last thing on anyone's minds.

Taylor was getting antsy, having been the only one last night who hadn't drank any alcohol, and was keen to start with the song.

"So what I was thinking was mainly our song with bits of yours thrown in." That sentence was enough to snap everyone out of their hangover trance.



"Absolutely not."

"Are you fucking insane?" Liv had to agree with that last statement. Taylor had her moments for sure but there were times it was hard to not rip her hair out.

"Don't you think that's a bit far?" Liv swung her legs off the arm of the sofa and leaned her elbows on her knees. "Surely we can find a way to smoothly work from one key to another and use both songs to make three minutes of music."

"The Eurovision people said we can have eleven on stage, as long as we all still test every forty eight hours like everyone else." Rodney added.

"I'm sorry." Taylor stood up angrily.

"Oh here we go." Sabryna muttered to Niko before closing her eyes.

"I don't know when we decided that the bassist and guitarist had a say in this but you are most certainly not concerned in this matter." Liv clamped her lips shut and set them in a firm line. She stood up and grabbed Chess in her case.

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