7-One Thing

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Somehow, they had managed to create a good mashup of the two songs

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Somehow, they had managed to create a good mashup of the two songs. Smoothly gliding from the chorus of 'Dark Side' to the second verse of 'good 4 u' and the chorus, mixing the bridges together and finally ending with the final line of 'good 4 u' over Niko's scream at the end of 'Dark Side'. 

Somehow Aleksi managed to make the change in keys work well which did take him hours sat in front of a piano as the others were with their pair in various locations working on the now combined songs.

"Okay so then you slide from this fret to here." Olli demonstrated the slide which Liv watched intently. He'd already mastered the other song and now it was time to patiently teach Liv 'Dark Side'.

"Like this?" Liv slid on the fretboard, cringing slightly at the off sound it created.

"You went up too far." he leaned forward and moved her finger down two frets. "There." Liv did the slide again and again until a groove appeared in her finger and the movement had been engrained in her brain.

She did it one final time when an odd sound rang through the apartment followed by a shout from Liv. "SHIT!" She retracted her right hand quickly as the E string snapped. She had no idea why or how seeing as it was the thickest string and the thinner ones were more common to break and yet the metal wire sprang up, hitting her hand.

She'd never seen it happen before but the edge had snapped at a diagonal angle, narrowly missing slicing her hand. Instead it left a long red line going from her pinky knuckle to the left side of her wrist.

"Son of a fuck son of a fuck SON OF A FUCK!" Her left hand grasped the welt that was slowly turning red as a grimace crossed her lips. Olli grabbed her bass before it could clatter to the floor and placed it down gently along with his.

Liv was now wringing her hand and glancing at the back of it, cursing the broken string that curled up innocently. "Let me look." Olli took her hand in his and lifted it up closer to his eyes. He ran the rough pad of his thumb over it, murmuring an apology as Liv hissed in pain. "I'm going to get some ice, okay?" Liv nodded and watched her skin turn a white colour around the raised red.

"Sit over there." Olli pointed to the sofa. "I think we can stop practicing for today."

"Yes mom." Liv playfully rolled her eyes and moved from the kitchen stool to the comfortable sofa, grunting as Fender laid himself on her. "Really? Come on buddy there's like a million other places to sit and you choose my sternum." She lifted her legs when Olli came to sit down with an ice pack from the freezer wrapped in a tea towel.

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